Unexpected Disturbance - Chapter 30

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"Katie?" A voice whispered beside me. I opened my eyes to find Harry lying beside me on the bed with a look of worry and concern. It took me a while to realise I had tears streaming down my face and then I remembered my dream. I felt the tears fall down again but I didn't care. I was going to miss my mother so much, although I had never really been that close to her through all my life I still always counted on her. She was the only person who knew me like the back of her hand.

Although we were lying down, Harry wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck and we held each other like this for a while. I cried a little bit more every so often but he never asked questions, just let me spill the tears. 

Finally when I was over and done with crying I let go of him and looked at the clock. 5.27am. "Harry!" I shrieked. "We're gonna miss our flight if we don't get going like right now!" 

He sighed and got up with me. I didn't even bother to do my make up or hair, it was way too early for anyone to see me anyway and Harry was used to seeing me looking rough. Besides we were running late. Thankfully Niall was already ready waiting at the door with all our suitcases. The taxi was there just as we stepped out the door and we quickly got inside. 

The ride there was extremely quiet, I actually found it uncomfortable. Niall just stared out the window in silence while Harry just stared at me and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I was finding it hard to find anything to do. I took my phone out for about two minutes just to check facebook and my twitter but there was nothing interesting there. I tried staring out the window just like Niall was but I soon got bored of that too. So finally I snuggled up into Harry and had a short nap before I was being woken up. 

"Come on love we're at the airport." Harry said, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the taxi. My watch said it was only 6.23am. I took my bag from Niall who seemed like he was still half asleep and we made our way to the terminal.

At 8am we were just boarding the plane, I could tell it was gonna be a long flight to New York. We quickly took our seats and Niall and Harry were both asleep even before we took off. However hard I tried I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. I really envied the other two because they looked so peaceful and here I was, not being able to even close my eyes for five minutes.

"Goodmorning passangers, this is your captain speaking," The speakers suddenly said, "We'll be experiencing a few disturbances during the flight so we wish to ask you to stay put in your seats for a while and the flight may be delayed by about two hours. Sorry for any inconvenience."

There quite a few sighs and groans from the other passengers and luckily for me the announcement seemed to have woken Niall up.

"Hey." He said sleepily. "What was that about?" 

"Oh there's some flight disturbances blah blah blah so we'll be landing two hours late." I said.

"Oh man, now I really do have to eat the plane food." He groaned making me laugh.

"I thought you loved ALL food?" I fake gasped.

"Yeah but airplane food doesn't count." He stuck his tongue out and asked a stewardess for some food and a drink.

"I'm really glad you came Niall." I said softly.

"N'aww." He said, pinching my cheek lightly. "I'm glad I did too." 

"You know, I don't really know what I would do without you guys now." I sighed.

"You'd have someone, I'm sure." 

"No I wouldn't." I said, tears welling up in my eyes again. "My best friend probably forgot about me long ago now, Eleanor and Danielle probably wouldn't have talked to me if it wasn't for you guys either. Mia would still be taking over my life." 

"But you would have met Harry in the end." 

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Face it, you two are like made for each other. It's fate." He shrugged. I nodded and went back to watching the short film on the mini screen in front of me.

*5 hours later*

Harry had finally asked why I woke up crying so I had no choice but to tell both him and Niall. They seemed quite shocked when I finished explaining my dream.

"So your mother contacted you from like the dead?" Niall whispered, completely traumatised.

I nodded. "That's really... strange." Harry said.

"I guess I should be like one of those people who can tell the future and contact the dead huh?" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"I think you actually should." Harry chuckled. 

The captains voice came through the speaker again. "Good afternoon passangers, we will be experiencing some bad weather conditions in a few minutes so can everyone stay put in their seats and buckled their seat belts. Thank you."

Everyone did as they were told and the three of us were strapped firmly to our seats. This is why I hated flying on planes, you couldn never know what was going to happen during the flight. I grasped Harry's hand firmly and he squeezed it back softly. With my other free hand I took Niall's hand and he did the same as Harry. I felt really stupid there holding their hands like that but I was just terrified. 

A few minutes went by and the plane was undisturbed and in perfect condition. But just when I had loosened my grip on Harry's and Niall's hands the plane began shaking. I'm pretty sure I must have stopped breathing. I glanced over to Niall who's face had gone from a bubbly pink to a sickly pale green. Harry's grasp on my hand tightened and I felt him tense beside me. 

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek which seemed to relax both of us for just a second or two before the plane began shaking even more. 

I honestly thought I was going to die right there and then.

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