Payback - Chapter 15

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We walked hand in hand to school on the first day back. Right now my life felt more like a fairytale than reality. Harry was so cute! He seemed to feel the need to say he loves me almost every 10 minutes which I guess got really annoying for the boys but I just found it adorable. 

When we finally got to school the two of us went straight up to our form room which was completely empty. We took this opportunity to share a quick kiss or two.

"I love you so much." he whispered into my ear.

"I think you've said that for the millionth time today but I love you too." I joked sticking my tongue out. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss again.

The whole day seemed to pass really quickly and it was just one of those days where everything goes perfectly well. The sun shines bright, the lessons are fun, you get to spend the whole day with your gorgeous and amazing boyfriend and nothing can ruin your good mood, not even the most annoying person in your school. 

The next few weeks were pretty uneventful, unlike the first few when the boys showed up. I definitely preferred it this way. No problems, no fights, no Mia... Well apart from one day when she decided to ambush me on my walk back from the shops.


I decided to quickly pop over to the shops by myself to have a little bit of distance from Harry as he had been spending every second of every day with me lately. I kept having a strange feeling that someone was watching or following me but I decided to shrug it off.

On my way back I was having a bit of peaceful thinking time when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bushes. Before I could scream or do anything a hand covered my mouth.

"Where's your boyfriend?" my kidnapper snarled. I recognised the voice to be none other than Mia's.

"What's it to you?" I said, my voice muffled by her hand covering my mouth slightly still.

"Well I told you to watch out if he ever found out about me cheating but you obviously didn't listen to me." she smirked.

"What are you gonna do to me?" I said, panic filling my voice.

"Nothing yet but you should be prepared for what's coming to the both of you." she laughed coldly. 


I had half a mind to tell the boys about what happened but I decided that they had enough on their minds without having to worry about mine and Mia's problem. I guess I just had to wait and see what she had in store for us. 

I kind of missed having my dreams seeing as they would always tell me what would happen with Mia or Harry but they just seemed to disappear, for now. 

I turned over to my side to look at Harry sleeping, his features relaxed. I was so scared of losing him, it was bad enough that Mia had hold of him once, I wouldn't let her do that again.

The next day was a Saturday and I woke up to an empty house. I found a note on the kitchen counter which said:

Get ready by 4, we're going out to a party tonight so the guys and I decided to get some food and drinks for it. If you're wondering, it's Eleanor's party but for some reason Mia is invited so we need to be careful.

Love you, Harry xox

I smiled to myself at the hugs and kisses he put at the end of the message but I was extremely annoyed that Mia would be going to the party.

I got ready straight after having breakfast and a shower. I curled my hair and put on a pair of short shorts and a tie dye top. The boys came back just after I was finished. 

"You look beautiful." Someone whispered in my ear and wrapped their arms around my waist. I spun around to see Harry, looking gorgeous as always. I smiled and pecked him on the lips before leaving him and the others to get their stuff ready for the party. 

We called a taxi to pick us up and we left just before 4pm. When we arrived at Eleanor's house there were already quite a few people there, some already even drinking. I glanced nervously in Harry's direction wondering whether he was going to drink tonight. I didn't want to know what he could be like when drunk.

"What's up?" Liam said.

"I was just wondering if Harry drinks?" I asked quietly so no one else could here apart from Liam.

"Obviously." he chuckled. "I'm the only one that doesn't." 

I groaned. "What does he do when he's drunk?"

"Well usually he tends to wonder off and start snogging some random girl."

It took a moment to sink in. "So Mia?"

"Mia." Liam nodded. He took my hand and we walked outside into the backyard, where people were standing around chatting, to find the others. We walked around for a while until we finally spotted them, talking to Eleanor and Danielle. We were about to go talk to them when Mia suddenly joined them so we hung back a bit, not letting them see us but so we could stil hear them.

"Well hey there guys." she said, standing next to Harry.

"Uh, hey." they replied.

"Come on Harry we should go get a drink." she grabbed his hand and they walked off. He shot a worried look at Louis.

Me and Liam walked out of our hiding place as soon as they were out of sight. 

"What was that about?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Obvious isn't it?" Eleanor said. "She's gonna get him drunk then win him back." 

"Harry wouldn-" I stopped myself, realising he would actually do that.

"I can't find them anywhere." Niall let out an exhausted sigh.

"Me neither." Louis shrugged.

"Did anyone check the bedrooms?" Danielle asked.

"You don't think...?" Liam said, not bothering to finish the sentence.

"That's exactly what I think." she said.

"It sounds possible." I said. 

"Maybe you should stay here while we go up there just in case..." Zayn suggested.

"No, if anything happens between them I wanna be the first to murder Mia and then you guys can take care of Harry." I smiled weakly.

The boys, me, Eleanor and Danielle walked slowly up the stairs, fearing what could be behind any bedroom door. I let out a small sigh as we seperated, Liam and Danielle with me, Louis and Eleanor together and Zayn and Niall each by themself. 

I waited for someone to shout Harry's name but no one said anything and the only other room left was the one my group hadn't gone in.

I braced myself for what I was about to see...

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