Starting New - Chapter 3

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I changed into something comfy for school and was ready to go in only about 10 minutes. The boys stared at me in awe.

"What?" I asked confused.

Liam was the first to say something and stop staring. "Just never seen a girl be ready so quick, most normal girls take like three hours."

"Well I'm not normal." I stuck my tongue out at them and stepped at the door, still conscious that the boys were staring at me. "What are you looking at now?" I rolled my eyes playfully. I then noticed I was wearing one of my low cut tops. I chuckled and said smacked each of them round the head.

"Ouch what was that for?" Harry whined.

"For being pervs." I smiled and walked off. Soon enough the boys were at my heels following me to school.

"So this is what it's gonna be like now for the next two years? Having to see your ugly faces every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed?" I smirked at their hurt faces.

"Well yours isn't any better." Zayn muttered, hoping that I wouldn't hear him. It earned him another smack round the head.

We walked in silence the rest of the day until we got to school and Niall spoke up. "What's our eating schedule like?" 

"Well we have form time at first which is 20 minutes, I guess you can eat in that if you have a nice enough teacher, then you have two lessons, a 10 minute break in which you can eat, another lesson, an hours long lunch and two more lessons but the last is only 40 minutes and we finish at 3.10pm." I explained.

"But I'll starve to death during the day!" he moaned.

"No you wont trust me, the food in the canteen is really filling." I laughed. "Come on, I need to get you all to form, seeing as we're all together for that, and introduce you."

It felt weird walking through school with five boys, I definitely got some evil glares from the girls, you could just see the jealousy on their faces plastered with make up. I never really fit in anywhere in school, I wasn't part of the geeks or the cool people. The rejects didn't even want me and neither did the group of girls, who weren't as slutty as the others, which were always together. I normally just hung around with my best friend, Jade. 

That was when it got to me. Jade had left the school because she moved house. I now woulnd't even have anyone to hang around with... 

"Urm Niall?" I said.

"Yeah?" he turned to look at me.

"Do you mind if I hang around with you during break and lunch?" 

"Yeah sure but why don't you have your own friends to go to?" he chuckled but stopped as soon as he saw the expression on my face. "Did I say something?"

"No, it's just that... My best friend moved schools over the holidays and now I don't really have anyone..." I hung my head in embarrasment. Next thing I knew I was being pulled into a hug but I was determined not to let the tears fall. "Niall?"

"Yes Katie?" 

"Promise me you guys wont turn into those dicks and hang around with the 'cool' people." I whispered.

"I promise." he whispered back and we walked to form in silence with the rest of the boys in front of us.

It was time to start over.

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