Where Is He? - Chapter 5

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The remainder of the day was a blur.

Lesson two was Drama and our teacher, Mr Higgins, ordered us to pair up and I immediately went to Niall. Mia shot up from her seat and practically ran to Harry and begged to be his partner. This I didn't mind but what I minded was that he accepted so quickly without any hesitation.

At break I stayed with Niall and Louis while Harry went off with Mia to the 'cool' group with Zayn following to look out for Harry and Liam was off somewhere with a new friend he made called Danielle. Niall barely got enough time to eat during the ten minutes he had but it still seemed to satisfy him. 

It was hard to keep a straight face during lesson three as it was Music and I was sitting beside Louis who made joke after joke after joke. It must have been the only lesson when I actually didn't bother with what Harry was doing.

When it was finall lunch time I raced straight to the queue for the food with Niall. Liam and Louis shortly joined us. 

"Where's Zayn and Harry?" I asked, although I already knew the answer to that.

"Mia." they all responded. I sighed trying to hide the look of disappointment on my face. A few minutes later Zayn appeared, without Harry.

"Where is he?" I heard Liam ask.

"He's urm... Snogging Mia behind the back of the building..." I tried keeping my cool but the tears just kept coming. I ran away from the boys into the girls toilets where Eleanor, a girl from my Media studies class, was adjusting her make up. Her eyes grew wide when she saw that I was crying and pulled me into a hug without saying a word. Usually I'd find this pretty weird but this time I didn't object, I needed someone for comfort and she was there.

"Wanna talk about it?" she whispered. I nodded and began telling her everything that's happened for the past two days. I must have ranted on for ages but she just stood there, listening to everything I had to say, not interrupting, just nodding her head every so often to show she was still following.

I hadn't even noticed how quickly my tears dried up and before I knew it we were heading back into the canteen towards the boys' table, where Harry and Mia now sat too. I tensed at the sight of them sitting together but Eleanor calmed me down. We sat down beside Louis, me on the right of him and Eleanor on the left.

"So..." Harry said. "How's your day been Katie?" he chirped. Mia leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, almost making me gag. 

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth. I could feel Eleanor's, Mia's and all the boys' eyes on me. I couldn't take it anymore, I shot up from my seat and stormed off, not even knowing where I was going.

Somehow I ended up by my next lesson, English, and a few minutes later the bell rang, indicating that lunch time was over and everyone should head to their lesson. Thankfully when the boys showed up, it was only Eleanor without Mia. Finally a lesson without her.

The hour dragged on and on. I sat silently in my usual corner, taking notes every so often at whatever the teacher said. I was glad that it was the first day back so we didn't have a load of work to do. Half way through the lesson, when I heard the teacher say something about pairing up I felt someone sit beside me. 

"Wanna be partners?" I heard the husky voice whisper in my ear. I turned my head to see Harry staring at me with an expression which I couldn't figure out on his face. I simply shrugged and went  back to day dreaming.

The rest of the lesson was aggrivating. Harry tried everything he could to get me to talk but whenever he said something I only nodded, shook my head or shrugged. This caused him to get so annoyed that he stormed out of the class and I didn't see him for the rest of the lesson.

Last of all, we had History, one of my worst subjects. The teacher always picked on me for questions I didn't know the answer to and then shouted at me for not paying enough attention. I usually got detentions from this for not doing anything. The only thing I liked about this classwas that it was another Mia-free lesson, even if it was only 40 minutes.

Harry still hadn't shown up and the boys were beginning to get worried the nearer it got to the end of the day. At the thought of Harry getting lost I started panicking about my dream. Luckily we found him standing outside the door waiting for me and the others to come out so we could go home.

"Hey." he said, more to the boys than to me.

"Oh right cos I'm not here." I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's not like you bothered with me earlier." he huffed.

"If you didn't notice, I was in a pretty bad mood." I snapped and the walk home was silent, even the rest of the boys decided to keep their mouths shut.

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