Painful First

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*Chris's POV*

I watched my wife, Sin, as her jaw fell open, and her phone slipped from her hand, dropping to the floor. "Sin what's wrong?" I asked her worriedly.

"No, no no no no no NO!" Sin screamed, running to the kids' room. I picked up her phone and held it to my ear to listen, hoping whoever called hadn't hung up.

Unknown: Hello? Sin? Aren't you going to answer?

Chris: Who is this?

Unknown: Hmm, you're not Sin, you're new... (laughs) Who are you?

Chris: I think you oughta tell me who you are, calling my wife.

Unknown: So she's married...

Chris: Either tell me who you are, or I'm hanging up.

Unknown: (laughing) No need to get rude! I'm Megan, you are?

Chris: Sin never mention a Megan.

Megan: Hm, not by my name, no, but I'm sure you've heard of me. What's your name?

Chris: Chris.

Megan: Nice to meet you, Chris. I'm your mother-in-law.

My jaw fell open like Sin's had. No wonder she was terrified. I hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket, then ran into the girls' room, where Sin was playing an emo version of Barbie with Electra and Sidra.

She looked at me when I ran in, and jumped up, all but hurling herself into my arms. "She can't hurt you babe, I promise..." I whispered, hugging her so tight I thought I might suffocate her.

"I don't care about me, Chris." she told me quietly, and I could hear she was trying not to cry, "I just don't want them around you and the girls, or Jealousy and the guys..."

"We'll be okay princess, I promise..." I kissed the top of her head, and felt a tug on my shirt. "Daddy, come play with us!" Sidra begged me. I half smiled at her. "Daddy has to finish dinner." Sin explained for me.

I ruffled Sidra's hair, making her giggle. I was so glad that she and her sister were still so completely oblivious to the world. Sin and I have been discussing homeschooling them, and with Sin's mom popping back into her life, I have a feeling we will.

I headed back into the kitchen and shut the stove off quickly, covering the pot of spaghetti with a lid. I dumped the bowl of olives into the salad bowl, and grabbed a pair of tongs to mix it all together, humming the chorus of Immaculate Misconception.

I could hear Sin sing it almost immediately.

If all these words you speak of

Meant a thing

I'd take back all the lines

Against you

That I sing

But I know that

There's nothing real inside

Your heart's invested in

Feeding everyone lies

I smiled at the sound of her voice. She very rarely sang, which saddened me because she truly does have a beautiful voice. I started to sing the second verse, but how it would sound acoustically.

I've seen so many of you

Come and go

That's cuz you're in it for

All the wrong fucking reasons

You can't expect to

Sin sang with me now.

Live off of lies and survive

I am who I am

This is what we are

I don't care if this offends you

Or your worthless God

At this point, Sin and I were looking at each other from opposite sides of the kitchen, since I was done prepping dinner, it just needed to be served.

"I love it when you sing." I told her. Sin blushed, and hid her face behind her black hair. "I suck." she muttered. I crossed the kitchen and pulled her into my arms, and she leaned her head against my chest.

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