Not Leaving You Alone

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*Chris's POV*

  I woke up the next morning before Sin, and wished I could go back to sleep. I'd barely slept at all that night; I had to stay up and watch Sin cuz she kept having night terrors. She hasn't had night terrors in years.

  No doubt the night terrors were due to the call from her mom. I kept wondering why her mom had called, after all these years. I wanted to call her mom and find out, but she had called from a blocked number.

  As if on cue, Sin's phone rang with a blocked number. I looked at Sin, who stirred for a moment, but didn't wake up, so I grabbed her phone and answered it.

Chris: Hello?

Megan: Hm, is this Chris again?

Chris: ...What do you want, Megan?

Megan: Is it so wrong to want a relationship with my daughter?

Chris: For you, yeah, it fucking is. What the Hell do you even want with her?

Megan: I want to speak to my daughter.

Chris: That fucking sucks. She's sleeping, and she wouldn't even fucking want to anyways.

Megan: I'll just call her back later, then. Good-bye, Chris.

  Megan hung up the phone before I could protest, and I just felt even more frustrated than I had before. All I knew was she wanted to talk to Sin, but what about Jealousy?

  I quickly replaced Sin's phone, then grabbed mine so I could text Jealousy.

Chris: hey u up?

Jealousy: ya y?

Chris: u get any weird calls last nite or this morning?

Jealousy: uh no

Jealousy: y do u ask?

Chris: ill let Sin tell u wen she wakes up

Jealousy: ok?

  The door to our bedroom opened, and Sidra stepped in. "Daddy?" she asked quietly, seeing Sin was asleep. "What's up baby girl?" I whispered. "Can you make bwekfest?"

  I nodded and carefully got up from the bed, so as not to disturb my sleeping wife. I gently nudged Sidra out of the room, following behind her, and shut the door quietly.

  We went into the kitchen, and I asked what she wanted to eat. "Twix!!!" she exclaimed with a giggle. "Sidra, you know we don't have that." I reminded her.

  Sidra started to pout, so I promised her next time we went to the store, we could get Trix, and she cheered up. "Can I have Zain's pancakes?" she pleaded.

  "Honey, Zain isn't anywhere near here, you know that." I told her. Sidra stared at me for about five seconds before asking me to make pancakes instead, so I gave in.

  I started pulling things out, and heard something clatter in me and Sin's bathroom, and was hit with a feeling of dread.

  "Sidra, go to your room, and stay put no matter what. Same with your sister." I pushed her towards her bedroom and ran to where I heard the sound, and the door was locked. "Sin!" I yelled, knocking on the door loudly, "Sin are you okay?"

  I heard her crying quietly, and that scared me even more. I lined up against the door and rammed it with my shoulder. The door fell open to reveal Sin on the floor, holding a razor in one hand, and her opposite wrist was bleeding. Badly.

  "No no no, Sin, no." I sobbed, dropping to my knees beside her. I grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her wrist as she sat there, just crying.

  "You need a hospital." I muttered, applying pressure on the cuts. She shook her head fiercely, and I had a feeling she wouldn't be talking for a while. "Sin, I can't do this alone." I told her.

  She pushed me away from her and pointed at the door. "Fuck that, I'm not leaving you alone!" I shouted, "I love you and I'm not gonna let you do it!"

  Sin started sobbing, so I pulled her into my arms, even though she fought against it, careful to make sure I didn't hurt her wrist even more.

  Once I had her in my lap, she relaxed, so I gently removed the towel to check the bleeding. I saw that by now it wasn't bleeding much anymore, but it still was bleeding a little.

  I picked her up and set her on the bathroom sink, then turned the water on. "Will you please just let me help you?" I asked Sin, and she hesitated a moment before nodding.

  I gentky took hold of her wrist, and she drew in a sharp breath in pain, so I relaxed my grip even more, then put her wrist under the stream of water. She tensed immediately, but stayed still, knowing I would likely make her let me do this.

  I cleaned all the blood off her wrist, and once it stopped bleeding, I turned off the water and wrapped her wrist in a new towel so it would be dry, then grabbed a large bandage and disinfectant out of the medicine cabinet.

  She snatched it from me and out it back, then shook her head, "No," at me. "Sin, you need a bandage." I said firmly, and she shook her head again, then pointed in the direction of the girls' room.

  "You don't want the kids to see, okay... What about a wristband?" I tried, and she nodded acceptance. I went into our bedroom and grabbed the Motionless In White wristband she often wore to support the band, and brought it to her.

  She sat there and allowed me to clean the wounds with the disinfectant, looking less than thrilled. I rinsed off her wrist again, then handed her the wristband.

  She carefully slipped it on, grimacing at the feel. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her, and she limply wrapped her arms around my torso. "I love you so much, Sin, please don't let her do this to you..."

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