Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

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*Jealousy's POV*

  "You know, they are your family." Ricky reminded me for the thousandth time. "Too bad." I replied, rinsing the shampoo out of Azarius's hair.

  I was in the middle of giving him a bath, and Ricky just wouldn't stop trying to get me to at least talk to Sin. I haven't spoken to her since the day at the park when we saw Mom, which was a month ago.

  "You know Sin misses you like crazy, you barely saw each other as it was." Ricky told me. "Yeah well she sided.with Mom so, that's on her." I snapped at him.

  He left finally, and I finished giving Azarius his bath, then dried him off. I took him into his room and got him dressed in black jeans, with a Pierce The Veil shirt that Sin had modified to fit him.

She's really great with that stuff.


"Yes baby?"

"Why won't you talk to Auntie Sin and Uncle Chris?"

  I drew in a deep breath, trying to think of a good answer. "Because I'm disappointed in her." I replied, and he gave me a look that showed a lack of understanding.

  I sighed and explained. "Auntie Sin did a thing that really upset Mommy, and Uncle Chris was part of it." Azarius wrapped his small arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry Mama, don't be sad." he whimpered.

I hugged him tightly as I said, "It's okay baby."

*Sin's POV*

  "You're really sure you wanna do this, Sin?" Chris asked me, for probably the billionth time this morning. "Yes Chris, I am." I responded, annoyed.

  "Can't I at least go with you?" he pleaded with me. "One, why do you want to?" I snapped, "And two, who's gonna watch the girls?" He tried to put his arm around my waist as I straightened my wavy hair, but I threatened to straighten his face if he did.

  "Sin, I don't think it's smart to trust her like this. Yeah, she's been okay this last month, but how do you know she won't try something at her house? We still don't know for certain she stopped practicing.

  "As for the girls, Ghost and Kylie can watch them. I just, I would die if something happened to you, Sin. I couldn't bear to lose you." I looked at him, and he was on the verge of tears.

  I set down my straightener and hugged Chris, standing way up on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck, and he lifted me some so it was easier, burying his face in my collarbone.

  "Alright, Chris, I'll call her and tell her you're coming. And I guess I can see if Ghost and Kylie can watch them, but if they can't, you're staying with them, so I'll probably call Ghost first." He kissed my neck and I could feel his smile.

  "Thank you, Sin... I just worry." he admitted, looking me in my hazel eyes with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "I know you do." I said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  He set me down, and I had him grab my phone from the bedroom. He returned with it as I straightened another section of hair. Lately, I've been thinking about having Zain come up and dye part of it red, since he's a cosmetologist.

  I dialed Ghost's number and turned my phone to speakerphone so I could continue doing my hair.

Ghost: Hey doll!

Sin: Hey Creeper, what are you up to?

Ghost: Kylie and I are about to go to the movies, why?

Sin: Damn, okay. I was gonna ask you to watch the girls.

Ghost: We can take them with us, it's not a problem.

Sin: Nah, you two go have fun. Thank you anyways.

Ghost: Sure thing. Love you.

Sin: Love you too.

  Chris looked beyond disappointed with the conversation. I sighed. "I'll call Mom and see if I can bring them too, I guess..." I submitted.

  "Fuck that, we aren't putting Electra and Sidra around her!" Chris protested. I understood why he would be angry about that idea, but I had to remind myself he was more than capable of protecting them if need be, as was I.

  "Chris, we can protect the girls no problem. And we won't let them out of our sight. Alright?" He stared at me a moment, thinking, and then growled. "Fine." I called my mom, putting her on speaker as well.

Mom: Hey hun.

Sin: Hey Mom, Chris wants to come as well, and we don't have someone to watch the girls, so they would have to come as well. Is that okay?

Mom: You mean I get to meet them...?

Sin: If it's okay to have them over.

Mom: Absolutely, please, yes. I would love to have all of you over.

Sin: Alright, we'll be leaving in about half an hour or so. See you Mom.

Mom: I love you Sin.

Sin: I... I love you too, Mom...

  I hung up quickly, and Chris was glaring at me. "Did you really just tell her that?" he asked, anger surging through his voice. "Yeah, Chris, I did."

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