The Voice I Can't Defeat

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*Sin's POV*

I woke up a few hours later to a weight falling onto my legs, and I knew immediately it wasn't Chris becuase it was too light, but it was too heavy to be Electra and/or Sidra.

I pulled my pillow over my still aching head and groaned, "Whoever you are, please get the fuck off of me before I have my tall, buff, tattooed, makeup wearing, scary husband kick your ass into next week."

The person started laughing hysterically, and in doing so, fell off the bed and onto the floor. I pulled the pillow away to see Ash rolling on the floor laughing.

"Ash you bitch, get up here and hug me!" I exclaimed, and she took a moment to colect herself, then pounced on the bed again to hug me, making my stomach lurch.

"Hungover." I croaked, and she released instantly. "Shit, I'm so sorry!" she aplogized, "Can I get you anything, water, aspirin?"

I looked over at my nightstand to see I still had a nearly full glass of water, so I declined and thanked her. "What brings you here gorgeous?" I asked.

She and I had a running joke that we were a couple after one of her fans thought we were. I still don't know how.

"Well, New Year's Day is taking some time off, so I wasn't busy, and I missed all of you guys, so I thought I would come visit!" she chirped happily.

"Well where are you staying, a hotel?" I asked. "Nope, the band house, with Balz, Ryan, guy Ryan, Ghost, and Kylie." she replied.

There was a light knock on the door, and then it opened to reveal Chris. "Ash, there's a couple people who wanna say Hi." he told her, then stepped aside.

In ran Sidra and Electra, who pounced on Ash. She was just as excited to see them, hugging them tightly and kissing their cheeks and foreheads repeatedly. "I missed you guys!!!" Ash squealed happily.

"We missed you too Auntie!" Electra said, rather loudly. "Electra, your mom has a headache, use your inside voice." Chris said firmly, and I thanked him.

"Sowwy Mommy." Electra whispered, crawling onto my lap and giving me sad eyes. "It's okay baby, just don't yell, alright?" I said, wrapping my arms around my daughter. "Okay Mommy." she said, now at a normal volume.

"Well I just wanted to drop by and say hello, I should probably head over to the house." Ash said, moving Sidra off her lap amd standing.

"Do you have a rental car, or do you need a ride?" Chris asked. "Uh, I would kinda appreciate a ride, cuz my rental isn't ready till tomorrow..." she replied quietly.

Chris said he would give her a ride, and then both girls wanted to go, and I did too, so I got dressed in black jeans and a purple Asking Alexandria shirt with black hightop Converse, and headed for the door.

"Sin, Sin, Sin, Sin!" Ash called, hurrying after me, "I love you too much to let you out of the house right now." "Whyyyy......" "Well, um..." she mumbled, and Chris filled in for her.

"Your hair is a nightmare."

"Oh thanks baby."


I walked into the bathroom as they went to the car, then ran a brush through my very very messy hair. It still looked frumpy, so upon seeing Chris left his black beanie on the counter, I put it on, then hurried out to the car.

I piled in with them, and we drove to the Motionless house. The inside was still trashed from the night before, and I smirked. This would never have been okay when I still lived here.

Everyone was hungover, but still very excited to see Ash, especially Kylie, who tackled Ash to the ground with a massive bear hug.

We all talked for a while, and when Jealousy and Ricky found out Ash was here, they came over too, bringing Azarius so he could play with the girls.

Eventually, my phone rang, and I smiled when I saw who it was, then answered.

Sin: Hey love!

Zain: Hey, guess who's in town!

Sin: Ash!

Zain: Costello?

Sin: Yep!

Zain: Oh cool! Well, I meant me, I'm in town, what are you up to?

Sin: Over at the band house with everyone, you should come over!

Zain: Alright, be there in ten.

Sin: Alright, love you big bro.

Zain: Love you too.

"Who's coming over?" Chris asked. "Zain, he's in town." "You're having HIM over?" Kylie growled at me.


I forgot they don't like each other.

"Yeahhhhhhh........." I said sheepishly, hiding behind Chris. Pissed off Kylie isn't exactly pleasant.

"There's still vodka in the freezer." Ghost reminded her, so she raced off to the kitchen. The rest of us chatted till the front door opened, and Zain came in.

Jealousy ran over to him and gave him the same hello Kylie had given Ash. "Well hi!" he laughed, hugging her.

She hugged him a moment longer, then finally allowed him to stand and right himself. "Hey sis." he said, stepping over to give me a hug.

"Lookie who." Kylie said from the doorway. Zain looked over at her, and his smile disappeared.



Ricky fondled the air, then said, "You can literally feel the tension." Balz repeated the motion, saying, "Yeah, and it's thick."

"Alright, enough!" I yelled, stepping between them so they would stop giving each other a death glare, "what the hell is your problem with each other?!"

Zain was the one to answer. "She's my ex."

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