Black Pearl (Part One)

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*Sin's POV*

"IT'S DONE!!! IT'S DONE IT'S DONE IT'S DONE!!!" Chris came running into the house freaking out, and lifted me up and spun me around.

"Chris!" I shrieked in surprise, "Put me down!" Chris laughed and set me down, then hugged me tightly as he rocked me back and forth. "It's finally done!" Chris happily exclaimed.

"What's done, baby?" I asked as both girls came running in. "Daddy what's wong?!" Electra cried. "Nothing pretty girl!" Chris replied, picking her up and spinning her like he had me.

He gave Sidra a turn, then faced me finally. "Black Pearl is finally fucking done, Sin." he sighed, a large smile on his face.

I returned the smile, then moved closer to kiss him. "Good job baby, I'm proud of you." I told him. "The guys and their girls were thinking about having a little party to celebrate at the band house, you down to go?" he asked me.

"What about the girls?" I asked him. The MIW crew were the only people we ever trusted to watch them. "They can come with us, and play upstairs." he answered smugly.

I was about to agree to go, when I had a realization. "I can't go, Chris." I told him, "Jealousy will be there." He frowned. "Sin, it's been a month. I'm sure she's calmed down.

"Besides, she'll probably be drunk and more focused on Ricky anyways. So, what do you say?" I sighed, knowing two things.

1) Chris was right.

2) Chris wasn't going to give up.

"Alright, I'll go. What time would we be leaving?" I asked him. "Probably two hours from now." he answered, checking the time on his phone.

I knew I would have just long enough to get ready, if I started right then. I excused myself, then went and showered. I got done in half an hour, so I hurried into the bedroom and threw on sweatpants and a tanktop.

No point in getting fancy dressed early.

I dried my thick, tangled hair, then brushed it out. "Chris, should I leave it wavy or straighten it?" I hollered into the hallway, knowing he would understand what I meant.


I smiled, since it meant I didn't have to rush to get ready. I heard something break in the kitchen, followed immediately by Chris yelling, "Fuck!"

I chuckled, knowing he had probably broken a dish accidentally, in all his excitement. I truly was proud of him, they've worked really hard on this album.

I sat on my bed with my makeup bag and iPod and scrolled through my playlists till I found one I liked, then grinned at the first song that played.

I heard a knock upon

My door the other day

I opened it to find

Death staring in my face

Gotta love Falling In Reverse, right?

I got out my makeup and stared at it, unsure of what I should do. I decided finally to go with glittery black eyeshadow with red eyeliner and black mascara.

Once I was done, I put my makeup away and strolled over to the closet, pawing through clothes. I wanted to look nice for the occasion, which elimanted most of my clothing.

I settled on a black spaghetti strap dress that went only to mid-thigh, with a fake corset backing. Thankfully, I could just zip it up the side, so it was easy to put on.

I paired the outfit with black knee-high leather boots, then looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty damn good, not even gonna deny it.

"Chris, could you come here please?" I yelled down the hall, and he walked in a moment later. "What's up ba- dayum. You look... Sin you look gorgeous."

I felt myself blushing as I giggled. "Thank you. I was going to ask if I looked okay, but I guess I don't need to now." He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"The girls are ready to go, I just need to get changed real quick and fix my eyeliner." Chris announced. I sat on the bed as he walked over to the closet.

He pawed through clothes, then looked at me. "Close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise." he said, trying to imitate Bela Lugosi's version of Dracula.

I laughed and closed my eyes, then opened them when he said I could. "You look amazing." I whispered.

Amazing never really fits him, though. Flawless and perfect are the only two words that seem to describe him accurately.

He was dressed in a white dress shirt with a plain black vest, with black dress pants. "Watch them all be dressed casually." Chris mumbled, and I burst out laughing.

Once he fixed his eyeliner, he, the twins, and I all got in our car, then drove across town to the band house.

When we got there, the party had already started. I sent the girls upstairs to go play, figuring Azarius could use a couple friends.

"Hey guys!" Balz greeted us, hugging Chris, then me. "Hey doll." I responded, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you came!" He chirped.

"I nearly had to drag her!" Chris joked, and we all laughed. "Well, come on guys!" Balz lead us into the living room, and my eyes immediately fell on Jealousy, who was talking to Ricky and Kylie.

Ricky saw Chris and I, and pointed us out to Jealousy. She frowned, then walked over to me. "Well well, look who fucking came."

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