You Have A New Follower

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*Sin's POV*

"FUCK!" I heard Zain yell from the kitchen. Chris was busy on the phone, dealing with getting our house blessed, so I jumped up amd went to check on him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, then saw the issue. It looked like tomato sauce had exploded across the counter and wall. "Having an issue?" I asked, grabbing a sponge.

"Yes, my kitchen hates me!" Zain exclaimed, and I smirked. "I don't think kitchens have feelings, Doctor." I said sarcastically.

Zain growled, then replied, "Then why the fuck is mine throwing a temper tantrum?" I shrugged and looked at the mess. "Maybe it's on Shark Week." I suggested, and he glared at me.

"The jar of tomato sauce fucking exploded, I'll set something down for a split second and it's gone, I almost got stabbed by a falling knife, and-" I cut him off. "You almost WHAT now?!"

"A knife fell off the counter and almost stabbed my foot." he replied, "I'm fine, so relax." Remembering what happened to Chris, I asked him if the knife had been on the edge of the counter, or if he had accidentally knocked it off.

"No to both."

"And how did the sauce explode?"

"No fucking idea."

I brought my hand up to my mouth, covering it, as I whispered, "I'm so sorry..." "You wanna say that so I can hear you?" Zain asked, starting to clean up the sauce.

"I'm so sorry, Zain." I repeated, a little louder this time. "Why are you sorry?" he asked, not bothering to look at me. I heard a familiar whisper in my ear before I could answer.

"He'll die."

"I think Chris and I are gonna go home..." I murmured, wanting to keep Zain safe. By the time we got home, the house should be blessed.

Zain threw the sponge onto the counter and spun around to face me. "Sin, I have no idea what you're talking about, so either explain to me or just stop." Zain said harshly.

Angry Zain is scarier than angry Chris in some ways. Chris is more loud and threatening, whereas Zain is quieter and he usually looks like he's fighting to keep himself from killomg a person.

"I'm sorry." I said again, then walked back to the living room, where Chris was now watching TV. "It's here." I told him.

"What is?"

"The thing. It followed us."

"How do you know?"

"It attacked Zain and I heard a whisper."

"What whisper?"

"'He'll die.'"

Chris's eyes widened as he whispered, "Holy shit..." "Yeah, I think we should go home..." I said quietly. "Alright." Chris sighed, nodding, "They blessed the house, everything was smooth and easy."

I scoffed. "There was nothing there to get rid of. It was here."

~Author's Note: Sorry this was so short, I really wanted to update this before I went to bed. Two votes and a comment for an update. Love you all!<3~

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