There's A Darkness

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*Sin's POV*

"Alright, you're done!"

I opened my eyes at looked at Zain, who had probably the biggest smile I had ever seen. "Chris, what do you think?" I asked him.

Chris studied me for a few moments before smiling. "It's different, but it still looks amazing and beautiful." he told me.

I still wasn't sure what Zain had done with my hair. I knew it had been cut and dyed, but I wasn't sure how long it was, or how he had dyed it.

"Wanna see?" Zain asked excitedly, and I nodded. He led me to the bathroom (we were in the kitchen, why I don't know) and flicked on the light so I could see myself.

"Well then." I mumbled, looking at my new hair. It was still wavy, of course, but now only reached my cleavage, and was dyed dark red with a few streaks of light purple.

"You don't like it..." Zain noted quietly. I shook my head, then turned and hugged him tightly. "I fucking love it!" I told him, and he hugged back tightly.

Chris came running in then, my phone in hand, which was ringing. He looked worried. I took my phone and looked at the Caller ID, which read, "Mom."

"Are you gonna answer?" Zain asked me. I sighed, then pressed the option to answer.

Sin: Yeah?

Megan: Sin! Hi honey, how have you been?! I've missed you!

Sin: I've been fine.

Megan: Do you think you could come over tomorrow morning?

Sin: Eh... I'm out today, and haven't been out since I last saw you. Don't wanna push it.

Megan: Oh, alright then. That's your call.

Sin: Okay.

Megan: What are you up to?

I eyed both the guys, unsure if I should tell her, since she still didn't know that Zain was back.

Sin: Just out with Chris and a friend.

Megan: Fun. Well, I won't keep you. I love you.

Sin: You too.

I hung up the phone and shoved it back into my pocket. "What was the devil lady saying?" Zain asked, earning laughter from Chris.

I rolled my eyes and reminded him that she doesn't practice anymore. "But to answer your question," I said, "she asked how I've been, could I come over tomorrow, what am I up to."

Chris moved to stand behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then I had a sudden thought. "Hey Zain, ya love me right?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Yes, I'll go make the fucking pancakes." I squealed with happiness, and Chris and I followed him back to the kitchen.

*Megan's POV*

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, beating my head with my hands. I couldn't take hearing his voice in my head anymore.

Make her join you. Make her join us.

I sat on the edge of my bed and held my head in my hands, wishing James' voice would leave my head.

Ever since James died, I've heard his voice in my head, ordering me to keep practicing Satanism. It's been hard to hide it from Sin, but I don't think she suspects anything.

She'll listen to you. Make her do it.

Ever since I got Sin back in my life, James has been trying to make me convert Sin to our "religion." I'm starting to want to give in.

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