It's Been A Long Time Coming

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*Sin's POV*

"She's my ex."

My mouth fell open when Zain said that. He dated Kylie? This had to have been not long after he disappeared from my life.

"You, dated HIM?" Ghost asked, seemingly apalled. "Wish I fucking hadn't." Kylie snapped, giving Zain a dirty look. "Same for you, whore." Zain shot back.

"Hey, fuck off, don't talk to her like that!" Ghost yelled, taking a step towards him. Zain stood his ground, literally shaking with anger.

"Zain, stop it." I pleaded, tugging on his arm. Jealousy stood in front of him and grabbed the sides of his face, forcing him to look at her.

"Whatever happened is in the past, you have to let it go." Jealousy told him, and he pushed her away, careful not to harm her at all.

"Stay out of it." Kylie advised her, stepping next to her fiancé, "This is between me and this piece of shit."

Jealousy and I both turned on her real fuckin' quick. "What the fuck did you just call him?!" I hissed, getting nose to nose with the girl. "A piece of shit." she replied smugly.

Her smile was quickly erased by Jealousy's fist. "Jealousy!" Zain yelled, pulling her away. Ricky picked her up and carried her out of the room.

Kylie touched her lip, and I saw blood on her finger. My sister had one hell of a right hook, but mine was better.

"I think he needs to go." Ghost told me, wrapping his arms around Kylie. "Then say that to my face." Zain growled at him.

"You need to leave." Ghost seethed, and I could tell he was fighting the urge to punch Zain in the face.


We all turned to see Ash standing in the middle of the living room looking absolutely furious, something I had never seen before.

"Every fucking one of you, fucking calm the fuck down and fucking explain what the fuck the fucking problem is!!!" Ash screamed at us. We were all silent with amazement.

Until Kylie and Zain both started rambling explanations at the same time, so Ash again screamed at them to stop.

"Sorry." Zain mumbled, shuffling his feet like a schoolboy who had been caught misbehaving. Ash told them to pick a number between one and ten, and whoever was closest explained their side first.

"Seven." Zain said.

"Three." Kylie guessed.

"It was exactly seven, so Zain, you go first. But no name calling, no lying, no shit talking, or I will not hesitate to hit you where the sun doesn't shine."

Zain smirked, saying, "I don't feel pain." "Um no, you feel there." I reminded him. "Oh yeah. Shit. Okay. So, she and I were a couple, and everything was fine, then I found out she liked my friend Colin.

"I talked to her about it, and she denied it, and since I was crazy about her, I believed her. Then a month later, they fucked, so I dumped her, and Sin you know pissing me off isn't smart."

"It really isn't." I agreed.

"I decided to get back at her by sleeping with her best friend. Then her mom. Within a 24 hour span..."

"Fucked up, but holy shit that's funny." Balz laughed, but went silent when he got dirty looks from everyone, and a "Shut the fuck up" from Ash.

"Alright," Ash said, "your turn Kylie." Kylie shrugged. "Nah. He said everything there was to be said. I'm still just pissed that he fucked them."

Ash dropped onto the couch next to boy Ryan. "You mean to tell me," she said, rubbing her forehead with her hands, "you're mad that he wanted you to feel the same pain he did?"

Kylie hesitated before answering, "That is the situation, isn't it..?" "YES." we all yelled in unison, with girl Ryan adding, "Ya fuckin' genius!"

"Damn..." Kylie mumbled, then looked up at Zain. "Can we go talk, outside?" she asked him. "No." he said firmly, and I smacked his arm, even though I knew he wouldn't feel it. "You go on." I demanded, nudging her.

"Guess this was bound to happen someday." he grumbled, following her to the back-yard. "Well I'm just gonna be the first to say, I'm really sorry about all that bullshit, Ash." I apologized.

"It's okay, they need to grow up and move on, instead of dwelling on the past. But how he got her back actually was pretty funny." she confessed. Everyone agreed that it was, as Jealousy came back in, followed immediately by Ricky.

"What did we miss?" Ricky asked. Chris summarized things for him, and he chuckled at it. "Did Zain really pull that off?" Ricky asked about him sleeping with Kylie's friend and mom.

Jealousy interrupted Chris's response. "It's Zain, he can do fucking anything and he knows everything. Sin and I called him Google when we were kids."

I laughed at the memory, and added on to what she said, saying, "And Deadpool, and The Doctor, and Willy Wonka, and Batman, and Tiger, and the Devil."

Everyone but Jealousy gave me a weird look. "How the Hell is he Willy Wonka, a tiger, and the Devil?" Balz asked.

Jealousy and I took turns explaining it, her going first.

"When we were younger, if he saw a sad person, he would go up to them, give them candy, hug them, say it would be okay, then just fucking walk away, so we called him Willy Wonka."

Then I explained.

"As for being a Tiger, that's actually a new nickname, because he has stripes and he screams." I said. "Does he really?" Chris asked excitedly, and I nodded, then kissed his cheek.

"He and I need to have a chat some time..." Chris murmured, and I could already see the wheels in his head turning with possibilities.

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