Driving A Wedge

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*Sin's POV*

  I quickly finished straightening my hair, and Chris went to work putting on his makeup. I pulled on a black beanie and looked at myself in the mirror.

  Ankle length black skirt, black fishnet shirt with a dark red Bandeau underneath, black Doc Marten boots, with black eyeshadow and winged eyeliner, accented by red mascara. It might look weird to some people, but it was fairly normal for me.

  I went into the girls' room and told them we would be leaving in half an hour. "Where aw we going?" Electra asked. "We're gonna go meet your Grandma Megan." I replied, ruffling her hair and smiling.

  "Really?" Sidra asked excitedly, bouncing up and down. I laughed as I answered, "Really! Now," I looked at their clothes, which had dirt on them from playing outside, "do you guys wanna help pick out your outfits or do you not care?"

  "I wanna help!" both girls exclaimed, then giggled at each other. I giggled myself, then pulled open their drawer of shirts. "Alright, bands or normal?" I asked. "Bands!" Electra chirped, and Sidra nodded in agreement, over exaggerating it.

  I grabbed out the first two band shirts and handed one to each girl. Electra wound up with a Real Friends shirt, and Sidra got a Beartooth shirt. Not bad.

  I let them change themselves so that they felt like big girls, while I grabbed out a black skirt for Sidra, and a dark purple skirt for Electra.

  Once they were changed, I brushed their hair, and helps them get shoes on. They sat in the living room watching Family Guy on Netflix while we waited for Chris to be ready.

  They may be young, but fuck, they'll learn about it someday, why not now?

*40 minutes later*

  "No." Chris squeaked as we pulled up to the house. I laughed. "Awww, is Chris Motionless afraid?" I teased him. I'll admit the house was big and slightly off-putting, but it was obvious Chris was freaked out.

  "Think of the spiders..." he whispered, staring at the house in both awe and fear. I laughed as he shut off the engine and we unbuckled our seat belts.

  We climbed out of the car, then got the girls out of the back seat. They were too focused on their dolls, a Barbie and a Bratz, to focus on the house.

  We walked up to the front door, Chris and I holding hands with the girls trailing behind us, and I rang the doorbell.

  The door opened almost immediately. "Sin, Chris, hi!" she greeted us happily, giving us a warm smile. "Hi Mom." I said, hugging her. It felt amazing to finally have a relationship with her, after 27 years.

  "Oh my goodness." Mom whispered, putting a hand over her mouth, "Are these the girls?" I nodded, looking at my two daughters. "Girls, are you gonna say hi?" I asked them. They stopped chattering away and looked up at my mom.

  "You're pretty." Electra said, and Mom laughed and replied, "Thank you sweetheart."  "Mom, this is Electra," I gestured to Electra, "and her twin Sidra." I gestured to my other girl.

  "You're both beautiful." Mom said, "Just like little princesses." I heard Chris grumble something under his breath, but Mom and I ignored him, sharing a glance, and the girls didn't hear him.

  "Well please, come on in." Mom invited us inside, and I stepped in first, followed by Electra, then Sidra, and finally Chris. I looked at the house, surprised by how different it looked.

  The black walls were now white, with primarily white furniture. Gone were the Satanic statues and pictures, replaced with normal house decor. The only thing that was unchanged was the carpet, which was still black.

  Mom noticed my smirk and explained, "Hides dirt from the cat." I raised a curious eyebrow. "You got a cat?" I asked, and she nodded. "Right after your father died."

  "Yeah, how did he kick it?" Chris asked in a rude tone. "Chris!" I gasped, ashamed of my husband. "It's alright Sin," my mom said, "I suppose I should explain that now."

  "Ya think?" Chris mumbled, and I knew Mom hadn't heard him, which I was thankful for. "He had a heart attack in the middle of the night, died in his sleep." Mom said, and I saw sadness in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry Mom." I said, hugging her. I wasn't actually sorry that he was dead, I just felt bad that she was so upset. I think he deserved to die, honestly.

  Two small pairs of arms wrapped around Mom and I, and we looked down to see Sidra and Electra. "Don't be sad." Sidra pleaded, giving us puppy-dog eyes.

  "Alright then sugar." Mom laughed, picking her up. I looked over at Chris, who looked beyond infuriated, and for a moment I thought he was about to attack my mother.

  "Chris, please, calm down." I whispered to him, wrapping him in a tight hug as Mom talked to the twins. His whole body was stiff as a board from rage. After a moment, he whispered back, "I don't trust her, Sin. I don't trust her."

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