Epilogue: You Weren't There

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*Electra's POV*

"Daaaaad, we're sixteen! We can go out by ourselves!" I whined. Sidra and I wanted to go to the mall, and Dad refused unless he came with us.

Ever since Sin, I mean, Mom, left us twelve years ago, he has to be with us EVERYWHERE. It's really anoying. Don't get me wrong, we understood that he wanted to keep us safe, but smothering us was the wrong way.

"You CAN go, but you MAY not go." he smirked at us. "Give me one good reason." Sidra demanded, folding her arms. "How about, I said fucking no." Dad said, turning on the TV.

Sidra looked at me, and I shrugged. "Alright, fine!" I submitted, "We'll go with you." Dad smiled and turned off the TV.

"Ready when you two are." Dad chirped. "Um, no you're not," Sidra said, "You have no makeup on." Dad facepalmed and thanked her, then went and got ready while we listened to his old band Motionless In White.

Sidra and I loved listening to Dad's band, they were amazing. I wished they were still together, but once Sin left, the band fell apart. None of them had the motivation anymore.

I should probably explain why I call her Sin, rather than Mom, and where she left to.

I call her Sin because I don't feel as though she deserves to be called Mom. She left us when we were four, and didn't even say Goodbye. We've never heard from or seen her since.

Sin left us to go be with Megan, her mom, who was a Satanist. Megan convinced Sin to join her, and no one knows anything about them now. As far as we know, though, they live in the same house.

All of us were heartbroken, but Dad and Jealousy were the worst. Neither one really moved out of bed for months; Uncle Ghost and Aunt Kylie raised us during that time.

Dad actually wound up dedicating one of his old songs to her: Hatefuck. He would listen to it for hours, throwing things and screaming for her to come back.

"You ready?" Dad asked us, and we nodded, jumping up from our spots on the couch. We got in the car and drove to the mall, listening to me and Sidra's favorite band, Seek The Lost.

We sprang free from the vehicle the second Dad parked, and he yelled at us to wait for him. "God he's embarassing." Sidra whispered, and I nudged her with my elbow. "He just cares." I whispered back.

"Alrighty, let's go." Dad said, climbing out of the car and locking it. We went inside, and after walking around a while, we heard someone calling Dad's name.

"Chris?! Chris!"

A woman ran to us and basically tackled Dad, so I yanked her away from him, and she almost fell. "Get the fuck off him!" Sidra yelled.

"No no you don't underst- girls? Oh my God..." The woman covered her mouth with one hand, placing the other on her chest. "Sin?" Dad asked quietly.

"It's me." she whispered, tears forming in her eyes. "Oh my God, Sin!" Dad exclaimed, hugging her tightly to his chest. I felt a hand slip into my own, and I recognized it immediately as Sidra's.

"What the fuck?" she whispered, and I shrugged. Both Dad and Sin were crying now, clinging to each other deaparately.

Sin finally pulled away, and looked at Sidra and I. "You've gotten so big." Sin cried, smiling at us. She reached out to hug us, and Sidra and I both backed away.

"You have no fucking right to touch us." Sidra hissed at her. "Girls, I-" "Save it." I cut her off, "You had twelve years, twelve fucking years to come home, or at least give us a fucking explanation!"

"Electra, you need to calm down." Dad said, eyeing the people watching us. "Fuck that!" I yelled, then turned back to Sin.

"You left us, no reason, no goodbye, fucking nothing. Now you see us, and expect us to hug you and be happy and fuzzy?!

"You weren't there, you didn't see what all of us went through. How my sister and Dad and I cried for you, how they stopped making music because they lost their drive.

"You weren't there, so don't expect us to be here now. Let's go Sidra." I pulled on her hand, but she stayed put. Sin was frozen, and Dad looked furious.

"Electra, you're grounded off your ass when we get home." Dad growled. "No, Chris, she has every right..." Sin said quietly, "I deserve that, and more, and I'm so sorry."

"You should be." I remarked. I spun around then and walked away, ignoring their protests. I never wanted to see her again.

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