Author's Note #2

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Should be the last time I post something that's just an author's note, but wanted to let you guys know that I WILL be continuing this story, on two conditions.

One: For me to post a new chapter, I gotta get at least two votes and one comment on a chapter, so I know you guys actually are still reading. If you just comment "update!" or "post another chapter" though, I won't count it.

Two: This is actually a request, not a must, but someone should inbox me some ideas to keep the story going, cuz I'm running out.

I'll most likely post a new chapter tomorrow, if I'm not busy with my ChrisXRicky, Something About You, because that story is currently my primary focus, so keep an eye out! I love each and every one of you, and I thank you for reading my story!

Much love,


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