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*Sin's POV*

Chris and I were packing up our things to leave Zain's, when there was a thud in the kitchen.

"Zain?!" I called, "What fell now?" There was no response, no profanities, nothing. Just silence. I lookied at Chris worriedly, who was already giving me the same look.

I rushed into the kitchen, and immediately started sobbing. "No no no please NO!!!" I screamed, dropping to my knees beside Zain. Chris came in as I desperately pulled Zain into my lap, sobbing and clutching him tightly to my chest.

"Oh my God..." Chris whispered, his voice cracking. "Mommy?" I heard Sidra in the hallway. "Mommy what's wrong?" Now Electra, and they were just outside the door.

I continued sobbing, rocking my best friend back and forth in my lap, and begging for him to come back.

Chris ushered the girls into a bedroom and told them to stay put no matter what, then came back with his phone. "I'm calling an ambulance." he informed me, dialing 911 and then holding the phone to his ear.

He gave them the address and told them the situation, and he was silent a moment before saying, "Thank you, please hurry."

Chris joined me on the floor, attempting to pull me away from Zain. I fought him off, screaming at him to leave me alone.

He gave up after a minute, so I buried my face in Zain's chest and bawled like a baby till paramedics arrived. I rode in the ambulance with him to the hospital, Chris staying behind to watch the girls.

Shock hit me on the way there, so I was basically frozen, mindlessly answering their questions. When we arrived at the hospital, they forced me to stay behind in a waiting room while they treated him.

I waited maybe 20 minutes before a doctor came out, calling Zain's name. I stood and walked over to him, though my legs felt as though they could give at any moment.

"Are you for Zain?" The doctor asked, and I nodded. "Well, he's been stabilized, and he's awake, so if you would like to see him, you may." I nodded again, and he had a nurse lead me up to Zain's room.

I walked in nervously, hoping he really was okay. I pulled the curtain around his bed back slightly and stuck my head in. Zain was sitting up in bed, looking annoyed.

"Zain!" I squeaked, tears of happiness now falling freely. He smiled then, and reached an arm out for me to hug him. I fixed the curtain, then hugged him as tight as I could. "Sorry for the scare." he chuckled.

"I thought you were gone." I cried, clinging to him desperately. "Come on Sin, you can't lose me that easy!" Zain laughed, hugging me tightly. I laid on the bed with him, and snuggled up against him.

"You're not ever allowed to do that again." I said firmly, making him laugh again. "Sin, I do flatline every once in a while. Just give me an hour tops and I'll wake up. It's part of my heart condition."

"Well your heart condition is a fucking ass." I grumbled, burying my face in is chest. "How do you think I feel?"

~Author's Note: Alright guys, only two chapters left after this till I post the end and the epilogue! But don't worry, there will be a fourth and final installment of this series, called, "My Life Is Not For Sale." Two votes and a comment for an update. I love you all!<3~

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