Zain And Kylie

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Hey guys, author here!

So, I have a bit of a confession.

One of the characters in this series, Zain, is based on a close friend of mine, and he actually did know Kylie in real life.

However, what I said happened to them, in the chapter "It's Been A Long Time Coming," is actually not true.

When I wrote that chapter, I had only heard from real Zain (that isn't really his name but for privacy reasons I'm sticking with it) that Kylie was a bitch, and I decided to throw that drama into the story.

Zain didn't want to tell me what happened, saying, "You know what (my name) it's personal and I really don't wanna talk about this."

Well, after speaking with Kylie myself via Tumblr (she's so sweet omg), I can tell you guys what actually happened.

Keep in mind, Kylie herself said it was a flat out ridiculous, silly, and unnecessary situation.

Turns out, Zain was living with a mutual friend of his and Kylie's, and that friend was using him for rides places.

It became an argument, and Kylie sided with their friend (neither of them still associates with that person), and Kylie actually took back a bass guitar that she had given him, hence Zain calling her a bitch.

That's as specific as I could get, since the incident was four years ago, which is a year before she started dating Devin 'Ghost' Sola, and she didn't remember a whole lot; that's just the basic gist of it.

Now before you start hating on either person, cuz I know how some fans can be, hear me out.

Kylie DID say, several times, she has moved on from what happened, and she truly hopes Zain is doing well.

Zain seems to have let go of his grudge, and their argument was at a very difficult point in his life, which Kylie did contribute to, so he associates her with negativity, like any normal person would.

I'm sure if they were to talk, they would be just fine, but I'm not gonna try to get into it with them.

So yeah, there's that. I just thought you guys might like to know the real story of what happened, I know I was thrilled to finally find out.

Love you guys!

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