Salem Please Save Me

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*Sin's POV*

When I saw the picture, I froze in my tracks. Whatever was in our house had gone after Chris and the girls, so why was my face smashed in?

I set down one of the girls' bags so I had a free hand, then reached out and touched the picture lightly. I was careful to make sure I didn't cut my hand on the glass. As my index finger traced the frame, I started to feel cold. As in really cold. As in why the fuck am I now in Antarctica cold.

I shivered and pulled my hand away from the picture to fold it across my chest, tryimg to trap some heat. That was when I realized I could hear faint whispering behind me.

"Come home. Come home. Come home."

I figured I was hallucinating from lack of sleep, and picked up the bag I had set on the floor.

"Come home, Sin."

The whisper was still behind me, but much closer, as if the person whispering were standing directly behind me, almost touching...

"Come home, Sin. Come home to Mommy."

"Fuck you no thanks!" I exclaimed, opening the front door. I ran out, slamming the door behind me, and ran to the driveway, where Chris was sitting in the driver's seat waiting. I threw the bags in the trunk, then got into the passenger seat.

"What took you so long?" Chris asked worriedly as I tried to catch my breath. "Picture was smashed, and heard whispering." I gasped breathlessly.

"What picture?"

"Of you and I in the entryway. The glass over my face was smashed."

Chris's jaw fell open and there was fear in his eyes. "That picture wasn't like that when I left with the girls." I nodded my head and put my sealtbelt on so we could leave. "Well, it was definitely my mom." I told him.

"Why do you say that?"

I took a deep breath as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway, then replied. "The whispers kept saying 'Come home.' and I ran out finally when it said, 'Come home, Sin. Come home to Mommy.'"

I saw Chris's hands grip the steering wheel tighter as we drove to the band house to pick up Electra and Sidra. I turned on the radio, and smiled as A Day To Remember played.

For once

My eyes are open to you

And everything you say

For once

Your web of lies

Is in the open

I gave you everything I had

Till I had nothing left


You act as if I'm just a burden

I've finally let go

Let go, let go

Stay silent

At least for now

And let me move on

Cuz I'm so done

Playing these games

With my heart

I've been around the world

And back for you

Now it's time to choose

I give up on this wreck

That you call your life

I'm damaged from the inside

I've been broken

Don't threaten me

With what you think I feel

If you could read my mind

You'd be in tears

I'm sick of your excuses

You hold above me

I've finally come to terms

With what I am

I'm nothing in your eyes

This will not change

By living in a dream

Stay silent

At least for now

And let me move on

Cuz I'm so done

Playing these games

With my heart

I've been around the world

And back for you

Now it's time to choose

And I'll close my eyes

And I'll dream

Of a better time

When I'll be finally past this

And I'll be happy

On my own

I've done all I can

I'm still the one

To be cast aside

And all I ever

Wanted to be

Was the one who wiped tears

From your eyes

You never did

Know how to whisper

You're such a liar

Tell me the truth

You're such a liar

Tell me the truth

You fucking liar

Tell me the truth

Do the world a favor

Stop cutting your arms

And slit your throat

We pulled up outside the band house, and I went inside to say goodbye to people and go get the girls. I came back out with them, got them both buckled into their car seats, and we drove the long ride to Zain's.

Chris didn't talk much, and neither did I. It was mainly the girls chattering away, and Chris and I listening to music. We were too focused on protecting the girls, and each other.

~Author's Note: Alright, you know the deal. Two votes and a comment gets you a new chapter. Also, someone should seriously inbox me with some ideas for this story! :/ ~

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