Black Pearl (Part Two)

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*Sin's POV*

"Well well, look who fucking came."

Ricky hurried over and pulled on her arm. "Leave her alone, Jealousy." he urged her, looking at me apologetically.

She pulled away from him. "Surprised you came." she remarked, giving me an icy glare. "Not surprised YOU did," I snapped, returning the look, "you never miss an opportunity to get drunk."

The rest of the guys, and their girls, let out a collective, "OHHHHH!" causing me to grin. "You fuckin kids, you." I laughed at them. "Yeah, real mature." Chris added sarcastically.

"What's with the dress, are you an emo stripper for the evening?" Jealousy smirked. "What the fuck did you just say to her?!" Chris growled, stepping between my sister and I.

"Jealousy, fucking stop it." Ricky said, once again trying to pull her away. She ignored him, instead responding to Chris. "I said she looks like an emo fucking stripper."

"She looks fucking beautiful." Balz said, standing on my other side. His girlfriend Ryan, I mean, fiancee, stood with us. "Sin, you'll leave her alone if she leaves you alone, right?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I will." I said, not looking away from Jealousy. "Then back off, Jealousy. Tonight is supposed to be happy, don't fuck it up for the guys." Kylie said, pulling her hard enough to knock her off balance.

"Whatever." Jealousy hissed, then walked over to the coffee table and grabbed a bottle of vodka. She took a swig out of it, and Ricky muttered, "Apparenty that's hers now..."

He turned to face Chris and I. "I'm so sorry about that, she was Hell bent on coming to celebrate, even though I told her you would be here." Ricky said, looking guilty.

I hugged him and said he had nothing to be sorry for. "Thank you." Ricky said with a relieved smile, "Chris, we good?" "Of course!" Chris said, bear hugging him.

"Thank you guys." I said to Balz, Ryan, and Kylie. "No problem little sis." Balz said, ruffling my hair. "Stoooooop!" I whined, smacking his hand away.

"Love the new style, hun!" Ryan said, hugging me. She left then to go mix herself a drink, taking Balz with her. Chris and I socialized with everyone for a while, and decided to invite Korel, since he was their manager.

Korel took about half an hour to get here, and brought a ton more alcohol, as well as a ton of munchies, and he brought his hookah bong with him.

"Party isn't a good party without it!" Korel laughed when I asked about it. I had never tried smoking hookah, but I was sure Jealousy had.

Once everyone but Chris was a bit buzzed, some of us drunk, we decided to sit and smoke hookah, with the exception of Chris and I.

"Come on, just try it!" Boy Ryan pleaded with me. I watched as Jealousy took a big hit, and blew several Os with the smoke into the air. The guys cheered her on, so she did it again.

After more begging from Ryan, and Korel, I said I would try it if Chris did. They both gave him puppy-dog eyes, hoping he would say yes. He rolled his eyes at them.

"One hit. That's all." Chris said, reaching for a hose. He put it to his lips and breathed in the smoke, then started coughing. "Yep. One." Chris choked out, handing me the hose while the guys laughed at him.

I stared at the hose with uncertainty, then brought it to my lips, inhaling slowly. I took a long hit, handling it better than Chris had. "Atta girl!" Ghost slurred, giggling.

I handed the hose to Kylie and slowly exhaled. In my peripheral vision, I could see Jealousy nodding at me with approval. "Oh she's drunk." I whispered to Chris, and he nodded agreement.

We sat around smoking hookah, eating, and drinking a while longer, till the kids came down. "Mommy, we're sleepy." Sidra whined, crawling onto my lap as Electra did the same with Chris, amd Azarius did with Jealousy.

"We're staying the night here baby, you can sleep real soon." Ricky told his son, doing his best not to slur his words. "Do you wanna go home now?" I asked the girls, and they both nodded their heads sleepily.

"Alright." I gently nudged Sidra off my lap so I could stand, and Chris stood holding Electra. "And yes, I'm driving." he told me, "We had an awesome night, guys." We all said our goodbyes, and before I walked out the door, someone pulled me back: Jealousy.

"N-not yet." Jealousy slurred, holding onto the doorframe so she could stay upright. "Can I help you?" I askec in a bitchy tone. "I'm sorry, for, all my bullshit." She told me.

I relaxed my tensed muscles. "Yeah, you should be." I replied, "But I'm not forgiving you unless you can say it again sober." She nodded, then covered her mouth and ran to a bathroom.

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