Commit The Crime, Don't Waste Your Time

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*Chris's POV*

I sat in a recliner in our living room and turned on the TV, enjoying peace and quiet. Sin had gone out- she didn't say where- and the twins napping. I scrolled through Netflix, feeling too lazy to get up and look for a DVD.

I eventually settled on watching the original Carrie; it had been a long time since I had seen it. About half-way through the movie, I thought I heard something down the hall, so I paused the movie and listened.

I realized I could hear footsteps, and figuring one of the girls was awake, called out their names. "Sidra, Electra, is that you?"

No answer.

"Girls?" I tried again.

Still nothing.

I heard a door creak open, then shut quietly. "They're probably playing a game." I mumbled to myself, then hit *PLAY* on Carrie.

All was good and well for a few minutes, till I heard another noise in the hall. I turned the volume to mute, since I didn't care about the current scene, and listened.

This time, I could hear whispering, but it didn't sound like the girls. It sounded more like an adult. "Sin?" I called it, guessing she had come home.

When there was no response, and I realized I hadn't heard the front door, I started to feel slightly afraid. "Girls if that's you, you better show yourselves right now." I said, my voice shaky.

Still no response.

I stood up and walked into the hallway, where I could see the door to Sidra and Electra's room was open. I walked down the hall and looked into their room, amd gasped at what I saw.

There was a dark shadow figure, standing between their beds, looking down at Electra. "What the fuck?" I whispered, wondering if I was dreaming.

The shadow turned it's head towards me, and I could see it had only two facial features: a pair of eyes- one red, one yellow, and a mouth, which opened in a smile to reveal pointy teeth.

I went to run in to attack it, when the door slammed shut in my face. "NO NO NO FUCK! SIDRA! ELECTRA! GIRLS! NO NO NO FUCK!!!"

I continued screaming and banging on the door, which refused to open. I became more frantic when I heard a bang inside the room, followed by both my daughters sobbing and yelling, "DADDY, DADDY HELP!!!"

I yelled at them to get back from the door, then rammed it with my shoulder a few times, but it still wouldn't budge. I stepped back for a moment, then kicked near the door handle as hard as I could, and the door finally slammed open against the wall.

I fell to my knees as both girls ran to me and clung to me, sobbing. "Come on, let's get out of here." I said, picking them both up.

I carried them outside as fast as possible, then realized I had no car keys. "Shit shit SHIT!" I yelled, "Girls, Daddy has to go back inside for keys, and you're gonna stay right here, okay?"

Sidra and Electra gripped onto me even tighter, but I set them down. "It's gonna be okay, just don't move and Daddy will be right back."

I hugged them, then walked back to the front door. I took the doorknob in my hand, hesitating before slowly turning it and opening the door.

I looked around, and saw and heard nothing, so I ran to the bedroom, grabbed my keys and phone from my nightstand, shoved them in my pocket, and ran back out.

As I neared the kitchen, a knife flew out from the doorway and stuck into the wall, almost hitting me. "FUCK!" I screamed, then ran faster and outside, slamming the door shut behind me.

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