30. The Key To The Kingdom

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Lindsey had soon ventured off to his room to get changed. He slipped into his casual clothing and was more relieved than he thought, to get out of those clothes. He soon made his way back to his girls and William. Stevie was helping the girls pack their clothes. She didn't dare bring up the fact that they were moving in. She still felt out of place when it came to telling them things or disciplining them. Even though they were her children, they weren't exactly her children. She figured, she would let Lindsey handle that stuff.

"Kiddo? don't pack everything you own because, we have to come back. A lot of this stuff, we have to go through and we have a lot to do before we leave here and move in, okay?" Lindsey told his son from the doorway. He knew his son was excited and so was he, but they had to be rational first.

"Okay, so just clothes?" he asked.

"What you need for the week, but be prepared to go back and forth. I don't exactly know what is to happen, right now," Lindsey was honest. He had---actually no clue of what they were doing. He still had to go through some of Kristen's things. Lorraine and the Messners took things of Kristen's that they wanted and felt connected to. Lindsey kept her wedding ring and everything else would be donated to charity. She mostly had jewelry and clothes. Unlike Lindsey who had a whole studio and business. He held his own music association and all of his things would go to his children. Kristen didn't have anything like that---she was young and more or less a stay at home mom. Lindsey, soon made his way to his girls' room, where Stevie was helping them pack some toys and clothes. The girls were so excited to go back to Stevie's house because they missed it and they missed her so much. "How's it going in here?" he leaned against the doorway.

"Fine," Stevie looked up into his bright eyes. She smiled mindlessly because they had turned to that blue she had been fond of.

"What?" he cocked his head gently, with a handsome smiled plastered on his face.

"Nothing..." she pursed her lips, a small smile on her face as well. She was just so happy to be back and "working" in a sense. She loved being with kids and this group in particular made her really happy. She loved the Buckinghams and she was madly in love with Lindsey.

'Did you tell them?' Lindsey mouthed to Stevie as his girls continued their task.

She shook her head. She was hoping he was being true about it because, she wanted him to live with her. She loved being with him and her home was so comfortable, but even more so when he was there.

"Girls?" he spoke out. "Guess what?" he kneeled down to be level with them.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"We're gonna live in Stevie's house pretty soon," he smiled.

"Really?" Stella beamed.

"Mhmm," he nodded.

"That's so great!" Leelee responded as well.

"I'm glad you think so," he let out a small chuckle as Leelee walked into his arms.

Stella did the same to Stevie. She looked up at Stevie and she had always been warm with her. She looked at Stevie as if she was a goal. She wanted to be just like her and she was always so stuck by her beauty. Even as a small child, she was so taken by her and the way she did things. She never wanted her to leave again.

"What's up?" Stevie asked Stella with a smile as she gazed into her pretty, blue eyes.

The young girl shook her head and then plastered it to Stevie's chest. "I love you, Stevie..." she said happily.

"I love you too, sweetheart," Stevie kissed the top of her head. "I love all of you," she then added.

Leelee smiled and Lindsey held a small smirk to his face as he watched his six year old and true love bond.

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