A Cliché Late Beginning!

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Amelia's POV

I felt my covers ripped off of me. "Calem, what the he-" I noticed my Mom standing in the doorway, and shut up.

"Do you realize what time it is, Amy?" Calem questioned.

"Earlier than what I set my alarm as! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sl-"

Calem shoved my alarm clock in my face. "Wake up at... 9 PM? You do this all the time! I would think by now you'd get something as simple as that down..."

I felt my face redden. "It's an honest mistake! It's nerve wracking going to a new place, even for me!" I said defensively.

"Yes, yes... Amelia, get yourself ready and come downstairs for breakfast. You're gonna be late if you don't hurry up." Not again..!

"Calem, shoo!" I dismissed him from my room.

"Don't take an hour, you don't have the time for that." He mocked before leaving my room, as well as my Mom.

I checked the time. It was already 9:20... I slept precious minutes away!

I quickly dressed myself in a pair of white shorts, rose pink tanktop, and white sandals. I snatched my bag of minimal stuff: my wallet, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, sleep wear, a sleeping bag, a pair of sneakers, and my Holo Caster. If I didn't take that, my Mom would be furious!

I was traveling light, but there's plenty to buy where I'm heading to. The Alola region!

I scrambled down the stairs. "Calem went home. Make sure you have everything, eat up, and pray you won't be late." I quickly double checked my bag, and sat down for breakfast.


"Good luck, sweety. Make sure you call everyday, if you get the chance. Don't take too long, but enjoy yourself!"

I took my first breath of Alola air. I arrived in Hau'oli city. I was told the professor of Alola would meet me... Now what was his name..?

"Hey! Would you happen to be a Pokémon trainer named Amelia?" In front of me was a boy that looked to be my age, smiling at me.

He had gray eyes and dark green hair. I should be cautious, but I ended up blurting out, "Yes. That would be me!" He looked friendly... Hopefully I can trust him...

"Sweet! I heard you're a super strong trainer. I'm Hau! Professor Kukui asked me to bring you to Iki town." If I see this guy again, I'm so gonna be making puns with his name... He probably gets that a lot.

Oh, and yeah. The professor's name is Kukui!

"Oh. Thank you! That's really kind of you."

Hau let out a sheepish laugh. "I also did it because I really wanna choose a partner... I'm getting my first ever Pokemon today!" If he's twelve... He's starting pretty late, isn't he..? That's unfortunate. But today must be really exciting for him!

"That's exciting! I don't want to hold you back, and I'm really excited too! Lead the way, Hau!" I guess that makes Hau my rival..?

I followed Hau through Hau'oli city and through Route 1. After a lot of walking, we reached Iki town!

I followed Hau to a slightly raised battle field. Standing by the stairs that went up to the platform, I recognized the professor of Alola, Professor Kukui, as Hau told me. There was someone else on the opposite side of Professor Kukui.

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now