The Morning Before the Mission

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"M-Master Gladion, M-Miss Amelia..." I woke up groggily to Miss Wicke's voice.

"Yeah...?" I yawned.

"You do realize..." Miss Wicke trailed off. I noticed a black sleeve draped around me. Oh...

I turned around. "Gladion." I got him to wake up.

"Morning..." A smile presented itself on his face.

"M-Miss Lillie is waiting for you outside..." Miss Wicke stammered and shuffled out of the room.

It was quiet for maybe a minute or two. Gladion and I were looking at each other the entire time... My face felt really warm and I could hear my heart beating loudly... Gladion's too.

"Hey! This thing has been chiming like crazzzy! Would you anzzzer it?!" Rotomdex erupted out of my bag with my Holo Caster. I leaped out of bed.

A blue holographic screen popped up.

"Amelia Sakura, you haven't called once in the time you've been in Alola. I'm thinking of going over there and dragging you back home! But... I can't. And that's what I'm calling about... Honey, what is going on there? I heard all entry into Alola isn't permitted on the news yesterday... Are you okay? I know you always manage to get yourself involved with crazy stuff... I hope you made friends there that are helping you out. All of your friends here are worried too." Mom informed.

"I did make friends. Thanks Mom... Tell Shauna and everyone else I'm doing well." I requested.

"Actually..." Mom trailed off.

Projected in front of me was now Shauna. "What a best friend you are! No updates on anything... I thought you might've died." Shauna dramatized.

"And hello to you too... Here I am...alive!" I sweat dropped. I can only imagine how much Gladion already hates my best friend...

"Well... That's good. Any cute guys~?" Shauna was pushed out of the way.

"Shauna, jeez. That's what you're concerned about?" Calem took Shauna's place.

"Is everyone at my house or...?" Calem stepped out of the way, so I saw Trevor and Tierno sitting on the couch. They both turned their heads and got up. Trevor and Tierno are never at their own homes...

"Hi, Amy... I'm glad you're doing well... Take care of yourself, okay?" Trevor said quietly.

"We'll rush right over there if you need backup!" Tierno assured.

"Thanks guys..." I smiled.

Shauna shoved them all out of the way... "Cute. Guys." And then Gladion was suddenly next to me...

"You're blushing! I've known you my entire life and you've never blushed!" Shauna continued squealing.

The Holo Caster from their end was picked up. "AMELIA. WHAT IS THIS TALK ABOUT A B-" I turned the Holo Caster off.

"Why'd you do that!" I punched his shoulder.

"Never blushed before huh...?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now