Gonna be Royal~

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The trial in Brooklet Hill was pretty cool, except for the fact that now I'm feeling really awful... It was nostalgic to be riding on a Lapras again, but the fact that it started raining wasn't great... I hope I don't get sick!

The Totem Pokémon this time was especially powerful. It's Defense was up, and it's Water type moves packed a bit of a punch... But in the end, Oricorio was able to handle it! I think Wishiwashi using Soak and making Oricorio a Water type was a big part of my win...

I explored Route 6, the recently unblocked parts of Heahea, and I was now on Royal Avenue, heading to a place called the Battle Royal Dome.

I reached the Battle Royal Dome, and just outside it was Gladion...

"I end up coming right back here again... Come on, Null. Let's bury our sorrow in the crowd." Relatable.

I went inside the Battle Royal Dome.

I talked to people in the building, at the same time managing to avoid Gladion! There was one woman that told me the power of moves like Razor Leaf and Air Cutter are cut down in a Battle Royal. Well, guess Oricorio won't be the star of the show. That's good though, I've been using her to much!

Realizing there was nothing left to do, I went towards the reception desk. I'm not here, Gladion, and if you did notice me... Keep ignoring me!

"Glad you could make it!" A familiar voice hit my ears, and I jumped. I looked toward where the voice was coming from.

On the top of the stairs, there stood Professor Kukui, without his lab coat, and wearing a mask... He walked down the stairs. "I'm here to spread the word about Battle Royal!" That one overrated game... The name escapes me at the moment...was it... Virginite?

"I'm known as the Masked Royal!"

I don't wanna be that one person, but... "Professor Kukui...?" I questioned. I can recognize that voice and...due to him not wearing a lab coat, build anywhere.

"The Masked Royal!" Cheers broke out throughout the building. I tried to look for someone who wasn't impressed and found myself accidentally meeting eyes with Gladion. I ended up making an awkward smile, then rolling my eyes. What a combination!

He looked away from me.

"I'm here to teach you about the battle format that's been passed down in Alola for generations! The Pokémon Battle Royal!" What's up with 'Battle Royal's' these days...

"But, Royal, what's the Battle Royal?' You might ask." That wasn't actually on my mind, though it should've been...

"Four trainers! One big Pokémon battle, oh yeah! When one trainer can't battle anymore... The Battle Royal ends! Whichever trainer that has taken out the most Pokémon and has the most Pokémon left over will be victorious! Give it a shot! Pick your Pokémon, and let's do this!"

From the top floor, I noticed Hau looking down at us. "The Masked Royal?! I wanna battle! I wanna battle!" Hau ran down the stairs. It's just Professor Kukui... He'll have his Rockruff, most likely...

"You there! Come join in the fun!" Professor Kukui turned towards Gladion. Oh man, Gladion's expression! He looks soooo annoyed!

"I'll be in the mix too, and then we'll have our foursome!" I bursted out laughing.

"Sweet! I'm in!" Hau cheered. Gladion, to my surprise, abided. He didn't say anything, though.

We went in. I was in the green corner, Hau in the yellow corner, Gladion in the blue corner, and Professor Kukui in the red corner.

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now