Po Town Showdown

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After breakfast the following morning, I took on the Thrifty Market trial.

The trial wasn't easy...to say the least.

It was a Ghost type trial, and the Pokémon that led up to the totem Pokémon were easy to defeat.

Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar.

The totem Pokémon, a Pokémon called Mimikyu, was part Ghost type, but...it was another type, too. It was a very interesting looking Pokémon! It was really cute, too! Although...it had a disguise on to look like a Pikachu, making me think that it must be lonely and want love...

Don't we all...!

Satoshi took out Mimikyu and evolved! I had a Greninja!

Acerola had informed me that Mimikyu was a Ghost and Fairy type when I asked her about it. She gave me the Ghostium Z. "Great job, Amelia! And good luck on the rest of your island challenge!"

I guess I should go back to Route 15.

On my way to Route 15, I stopped at the Tapu Village Pokémon Center to heal up.

Acerola was waiting outside the Pokémon Center, and she said she was heading to the Aether House. We both headed to Route 15.

I saw that there were Team Skull grunts outside of the Aether House. Plumeria too... Hau was also outside. I wonder what's going on...

Acerola and I ran up towards the Aether House.

"Back so soon, hmm? I wasn't expecting you just yet. It just takes these grunts way too long to deal with you. So I guess it's my turn now." Plumeria sighed. "I told you not to mess with Team Skull!" She sent out her Golbat.

I wrecked her team with Oreo.

"Hmph. Even with more strength I couldn't defeat you... Now I understand why my grunts return with nothing when going against you kids... But if you want us to return the Pokémon, then you'll have to come to us. Alone. The boss said he's dying to see you again. He wants to shut you down. For good. I best be seeing you at our base in Po town. Unless you don't want the little girl's Yungoos back." The three Team Skull members sauntered off.

Acerola ran into the Aether House.

Hau and I followed after.

Anna was crying and Acerola was by her side, already comforting her. "If we want the Pokémon back... Amelia will have to go to Po town...all alone. I'm sure a lot of Team Skull grunts will be there... That's not fair at all! What if they gang up on her and take her Pokémon..." Hau was seriously over thinking, but it showed he cared. That's how Hau is after all!

"I can handle it myself! It'll be fine! It's Team Skull we're talking about. Hau, you know how strong my team is. In Acerola's trial, I even got a Greninja!" I assured.

"If you're gonna go, try to find this guy on Route 15 who's wearing a kimono. He might be able to help you get to Po town," Acerola informed.

"H-here. Take this. Just please bring Yungoos back to me..." Anna gave me a Rare Candy!

"Hey, don't be sad. I know it's hard, but I promise to get your Yungoos back to you. I've gotten my Eevee I had as a kid stolen from me, and I was really sad. But someone really brave got him back for me, so I know what it's like!" I emphasized.

I was coming back from school with my parents. At the time, I was 6 years old. I was ahead of them, and it was always for the same reason. I was eager to see Shadow, my pet Eevee. Upon arriving at my house, I noticed a broken window. I stood there, staring until my parents caught up.

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