The Dimensional Research Lab

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I finished Mallow's trial and beat the Totem Pokémon, a Pokémon called Lurantis. I also ended up catching a super cute Grass type Pokémon! Bounsweet! I decided a nice name for her would be Flora.

I trained Flora in Brooklet Hill, against all the Water types. Soon enough, she was caught up with the rest of the team.

So where to next? Maybe I should head back to Heahea...?

And that's what I did.

I walked through Paniola Ranch, when I heard Hau's voice from behind me. I turned around.

"Hey, Amelia! Heading to Heahea city?"

"Yup! I finished training Flora, my Bounsweet, and now I'm not too sure where to go..."

Hau grinned. "The Dimensional Research Lab! When I finished the trial in Lush Jungle, Professor Kukui tracked me down and told me that we should both go there. He didn't know where you were, so he asked me to find you." Hau explained.

"Oh! Okay. Thanks for telling me, Hau. Well, we should both head there, I guess."

We both made our way to the Dimensional Research Lab...or the DRL, because the entire thing is too long. If DRL stands for something else, then too bad!

We reached the DRL, went inside, and went up the elevator to the third floor.

"Hey, honey!" We got to the third floor, and Professor was waving to a white haird woman, next to her stood Lillie. I've noticed Professor's ring many times... She must be who Professor is married to!

"Oh, hi!" The two walked over to the three of us.

"That's Professor Burnet, she's a dimensional researcher... And she's also my wife!" Professor Kukui whispered to Hau and I.

"Hau, its been a while! And Amelia, right? Lillie told me quite a bit about you! She said you're very reliable." Burnet gave a kind smile, but her smile soon faded. "Three months ago... I found Lillie lying on the beach, unconscious. The Cosmog in her bag was also unconscious..." Oh my god... What in the world could've happened?!

"I invited Amelia and Hau here so they could learn about the mysteries of Alola," Professor Kukui explained. I guess there's always something unique about a place, no matter where you go.

"The mysteries of Alola...? Ah! You must mean the Ultra Wormhole! It's extremely rare, but sometimes a hole opens in the sky over Alola." Professor Burnet stated. What the heck?! How?!

"It appears that this rift leads to a different and unknown dimension. The reason people believe there may be a mysterious dimension, is because of the legends of fearsome Pokémon appearing from an Ultra Wormhole." How fearsome are we talking about, and what's our definition of fearsome here? Wild Pokémon? Legendary Pokémon? Actually corrupt Pokémon? Maybe...Pokémon even stronger than Legendaries?!

"It's very weak as proof, but I can't ignore it. There is also plenty of evidence in the Pokédex for the existence of different dimensions, right?" I glanced at Hau, who looked as equally confused as I felt.

"This is a little late, but... What do you mean by 'fearsome Pokémon'?" Hau questioned.

"No worries." Professor Burnet paused. She probably was recalling bits and pieces of her research so she could explain everything clearly. She took a deep breath and continued. "Wild Pokémon will attack you from time to time, but the Pokémon that came from the Ultra Wormhole went way beyond that... These creatures were feared. Those creatures were called Ultra Beasts, and the island deities struggled against them. Well, if the legends are to be true. It's difficult to know how much is true- If anything is."

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