There is Hope!

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Lillie and I arrived at Poni Island thanks to Gladion. He had told us to find the island kahuna, and he was about to leave, when...

"Thanks, Gladion, but... When you took Null and left Aether Paradise two years ago, you left me alone with Mother! She was so bad after you left! If I hadn't had Wicke with me..." Lillie trailed off.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't there for you when you needed me. All I could think about back then was finding a way to save Null... That was the battle I was fighting. But now, I freed it. This time... You have your battle to win. I know you can handle it." Gladion stated.

"Hmm... There is something you can do to make up for it." There was a glint in Lillie's eyes as she glanced at Gladion and me.

"...Lillie, what would that be?" Gladion asked.

"After everything is over... You should go on a date with Amelia!"

I gaped. "Now Lillie. You're including me in this. You really are putting the both of us on the sp-"

Gladion cut me off. "Sounds agreeable, if Amelia's okay with it."

I felt incredibly flustered. "You both are putting me on the spot here!"

"Am I witnessing my brother being rejected...?" Lillie gasped.

"OKAY! Fine!" I blurted out.

"Good! Now that's settled... I'll see you around, Gladion. We'll get going." Lillie chirped and skipped off.

"Your sister's sudden change in personality is gonna be the end of me. By the happiness of her... I guess the next time I see you it'll be a d-da... Yup. That. See you~" I skidded off towards Lillie, without letting Gladion get the chance to say anything back.

"Lillie, I've never been out on a date or even asked out before! What were you thinking?!" I demanded.

"It's just a date, Amelia~ If you don't want to think about it like that, just think about it as hanging out with Gladion! It'll be fine. I promise." Lillie cupped her hands around mine.

"If it isn't, I'm holding you accountable." I narrowed my eyes.

"I'll take full responsibility," Lillie promised.

"It's nice to see new faces around here!" A loud voice boomed. Lillie and I turned in the direction of the voice and...

"OH MY GOD!" Lillie and I shouted. There was a guy on top of a Wailord structure! Seafolk Village reminds me of Pacifidlog town in Hoenn... But the buildings here are Pokémon based.

The man clambered down the building with the help of a Pelipper. I gave Lillie a puzzled look, and we both walked toward the man.

"I-I'm sorry. Who are you?" Lillie was most definitely flustered. I couldn't blame her...

"Me? I'm Harry Kim, the chief of the seafolk. It's my job to keep everybody together," the man replied.

"The...seafolk?" Lillie queried.

"Like... The people in this town or the entire island? Or do you just look out for the people who are directly surrounded by the sea?" I asked.

"Seafolk Village of course! What do you think all these boats 'round you are here for?"

He began to explain some of Seafolk Village's history and some current events in Alola.

"What did you two young lassies come here for? You collecting berries like Pelipper and me?" Mr. Kim asked us.

I shook my head. "We're here to visit the kahuna. Do you think you could help us out?"

"The kahuna? Hmm... Maybe you should go to little Hapu's place? Her house is the only one standing on Poni, after all. Where else would you go, eh? Her house is an easy find thanks to that huge Mudsdale of hers," he replied.

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now