The Aether Family

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I managed to beat Olivia, despite her giving my team such a hard time. Yes, I understand I'm not funny~

Her last Pokémon, a creature called, 'Lycanroc', left a devastating blow on my team with a Z-Move called 'Continental Crash'. It was of course a Rock type Z-Move, despite the word 'Continental' throwing me off because that sounds like it would be Ground type...

Olivia gifted me the Rockium Z, and I was on my way after talking to her and Lillie for a bit, and encountering Hau. He was also invited to the Aether Paradise by the Aether guy, or the 'green man', as Hau referred to him as. Hau didn't get his name either...

What was odd though, is that at the mention of the Aether Paradise, Lillie froze up and decided to stay behind at the ruins, and watch Hau's battle...

I guess I should listen to... That 'green man' and head to the Hano Grand Resort.

But... I was tired, so I went to the motel on Route 8. Please tell me Gladion isn't still there... Please tell me the wall is fixed...!

I checked into the remaining room, the room next to Gladion... And the hole wasn't fixed.

I changed and sent out Tiger. "You think that guy will wait? If he told Hau this late I'm sure he'd wait... I'm curious why Lillie was on edge when the Aether Paradise was mentioned, though." I said aloud. I know Gladion could possibly hear me, but I just really felt like Tiger needed to hear what I had to say.

"The Aether Paradise?" Gladion's head popped in my room.

" what?" I questioned.

"Make sure you check everything out there, and pay a lot of attention." Gladion used a warning tone while saying that...

"Is there something I need to be careful of? You seem to know more than you're saying..." I gave him a suspicious look.

"Just take this!" He held out a small envelope, and I hesitantly took it.

"Don't open it unless something bad happens," Gladion firmly said.

"What's you definition of bad?" I asked.

"Someone could be harmed," he replied.

"What is this? Your business card? And you don't want me to know your personal phone number so you're in the process of getting it changed in days?" I felt around the envelope. Definitely some kind of card...

"Just keep it on you! There's only one place where you should open that envelope up, and that's the Aether Paradise... In the Secret Labs." Gladion informed.

"You know what it is, so why are you being so vague?! What's up with the Aether Foundation? What did they do?"

Both you and Lillie... But more you! We're here talking, and there's nothing stopping you from saying anything!

"Why won't you just answer my dang questions! What if something bad happens and I'm not prepared for it..."

"What happened to Dad?" I sat outside my parents room, my back against their door. I heard the door open. I stood up and turned around. My mom hugged me tight. "Amelia... If I ever lose you...!" She began sobbing.

"You won't, Mom... I'll take care of myself. It'll be okay. We'll be okay, Mom..." Why is she worried about losing me? What happened to Dad?

My heart panged. My first day in Alola, and I nearly died. How would Mom feel? How would everyone else I've ever known feel? I have to be more careful...

"Amelia?" Gladion questioned.

I wiped my eyes, just in case they were watering. "It's your fault if anything happens. I'm expecting you to rush to my side if something really bad is happening. Something so bad even I can't handle it."

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now