Before You Read

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Hi~ Shadow here! Most of you probably know about 'x Reader' and 'x OC' fanfictions and such, but this is for the people who don't know, or would like to have more knowledge about the book before hand.

The most important thing is probably this: I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo. A lot of the story in my book is from the games, but I'm not stealing the entire game. I don't include every little detail, and I do some things a slightly different order. If you want to know more about trials and all that good stuff, that's for you to experience through the games. (Which are fantastic, by the way)

The cover art is not mine. The artist is called Lena Danya. I do not personally know them.

I think that's all of the important formal stuff aside? Hopefully!

For the fun stuff!

I'm playing Pokémon Sun while writing this. I've beat it once before, but I thought I should replay it to get something to keep me going and inspired! The team Amelia has in the end is the same team I used in game. I caught Pokémon and evolved them the same time they did in this fanfic. That required some trades from my Ultra Moon to Sun, but eh. That's the great part of having a sister with a 3DS!

I've already written most of the story for the book. I'm on what I think might be the last chapter. That means... I can't take any ideas. I'll probably upload a chapter... Weekly? Biweekly? We'll see~

Shadow should just upload the book all at once for the hiatus she's been on... Hahaha... No. I'm not sitting around looking at a completed book. I'm gonna be editing this book as best as I possibly can! (Which isn't great, just to let you know beforehand) That's why... You'll get this part, but not the first chapter! Aren't I great?

You'll get first chapter soon! That's what I always say... But I'm gonna keep my promise! I WILL MEET THE DEADLINE OF 'SOON'!

I'mma go edit chapter one? Finish writing chapter whatever the most recent one is? I should really prioritize editing... I'll go do that then.

I probably missed something important...

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~ 💖Shadow📚

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