Laughter is the Best Medicine

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It was the next day, and I was currently buried underneath my covers.

"Amelia, you aren't staying in that room all day~" Lillie hummed.

"Yes I am," I retorted.

"You have to get ready for today! Please? For my sake?" Lillie...has turned evil.

"I'm staying here the entire day!" I protested. Suddenly, the door opened.

"You forced me to use the key to your room... What a shame. I didn't think it would be this difficult!"

I hugged my pillow. "What have you done with the real Lillie! Back off you phony!" I swatted her away, but she ended up pulling me out of bed.

"Hmm. Any outfit you have is fine, that's your style... Makeup...? On a first date with someone you're close with? No... If you just change out of your pajamas, brush your lovely ash brown locks, and do all your regular morning routine things... You'll be ready! Exciting! Now, get ready for breakfast, and I'll see you there! Looking lovely." Lillie skipped out of the room.

She's reminding of Shauna... That's a bad thing.

If I'm being honest, though... No one can compare to Shauna.

My holocaster began ringing. I opened my bag up, took out my holocaster, and opened it up.

Speak of the devil...

"Good morning, Amy~!" Shauna chirped.

"Morning, Shauna. Is it just you?" I asked.

"Yup! I woke up and wondered if you were okay, so I decided to call. This is an okay time, right?" Shauna asked.

"Yeah. A friend I made here told me to do something that I've never done before, so I'm really nervous about it..."

Shauna wore a smug face. "Just a random guess, but could it be a date?" Best friends really do have a sixth sense...

"...Promise you won't freak out?" I queried.

"Amy, you know me." She is most definitely going to freak out...

"Yes, it is a date... With the guy you saw the previous day. The friend I was talking about is his sister..."

Shauna's jaw dropped. "I was just going to ask if you dyed your hair or if it was just the holocaster quality, but... I got so much more. Wow." And... Now Shauna started fangirling.

"Okay, okay, um. Get ready Amy, oh my gosh! You're still in your pajamas! Tell me how it goes, please! Good luck, I believe in you! Bye!!" The call ended...

Well, now I have no one for mental support... And if Shauna blabs about it around my mom for some reason... I'll be in even more trouble.

I took a deep breath and got ready.


Somehow, I haven't had a nervous breakdown yet... In fact, I wasn't nervous at all. It wasn't even awkward! This was... Really weird.

Gladion and I didn't have a place. Instead, we walked around the streets of Malie City. Yes, we decided Ula'ula would be the best choice.

There was lots to do there, and... I had to go to Tapu Village afterwards. I didn't carry many things, so I had nothing to retrieve from Aether Paradise.

"I've been meaning to ask this... What are you planning on doing after challenging the league? Assuming you'll win, which, I'm sure you will." Oh, the inevitable, dreaded question...

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now