Let's Get This Show on the Road!

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It was the morning after the festival. I finally headed out, and wasn't returning to Professor Kukui's lab any time soon!

I was able to beat Hau and saw that his new Pokémon was a Pichu. Afterwards, since I didn't use my new Pokémon in our battle, I showed Hau my Froakie.

I was walking with Froakie, and was finishing Ilima's trial. Froakie looked a lot better than yesterday, thankfully, but I knew he couldn't battle yet. Though, he still got into a battle against a Yungoos...

I was chasing the last Yungoos, when the pair of Team Skull grunts that were trying to steal berries from a person's garden appeared. I came at the right time and was able to stop them.

"It's your berry thief boys! Back at it again! Remember us?" Who could forgot you numskulls?

"Umm... Who are you?" I decided to mess with them.

Their eyes widened. "I see how it is!" The two switched places. "There, same positions as before!" Let's call this guy... Grunt A. The other is Grunt B.

"That's not important, yo! We're here to mess this kid's trial up!" Grunt B sent out his Drowzee. I sent out Litten, who made quick work of the Drowzee with a few Licks.

The two grunts scattered, and I went to where the last Yungoos was.

I peeked my head in front of the hole, and an evolution of Yungoos came out...?

"Rotomdex, this is an evolution of Yungoos, right?" I questioned.

"Correcto! Yungoos's only evolution, Gumshoos, -roto!"

With a few Embers, Gumshoos was quickly dealt with.

"You're so fierce, Litten~ Like a little tiger!" I gasped. "Maybe that's what I should call you from now on. Tiger! You like that?" Litten let out a happy mew. "Now, for the Z-Crystal! Onwards, Tiger!" I wandered to the cave in the back.

I went in and saw the Z-Crystal at the end. I reached out to grab it from it's pedestal, when a huge Pokémon jumped in front of me. It's a Gumshoos... But it's much taller and radiating a lot of power! It must be the Totem Pokémon!

I took it on. Tiger was faster than it, and I got an Ember off. It used Scary Face, and Tiger was slowed down. Even so, Tiger still out sped the Totem. Suddenly, Gumshoos let out a cry, and a Yungoos came from the same place Gumshoos did.

Is Gumshoos in danger? Was that an SOS?!

After dishing out a few more Embers, Tiger took out the Totem Pokémon! Yungoos was then quickly dealt with. What level is Tiger right now?! He's so powerful!

"Good job, Tiger! You're so strong~!" Suddenly, Tiger glew a bright blue. I clapped my hands. "Tiger, you're evolving?!" Already?!

I noticed Ilima come inside the cave. My eyes soon darted back to my adorable Litten. Or now, should I say...?

"Torracat. Congratzzzz!" Rotomdex informed.

"Cool~!" I exclaimed.

"Congratulations, Amelia. On both the victory and your Litten's evolution! The Normalium-Z is now yours!" With Ilima's cue, I snatched the crystal from the pedestal.

Torracat stood against me and nearly knocked me down. "I'm really excited too, Tiger!" I laughed.

"Now, to use the power, you must do this." Ilima did a dance that ended with him making a 'Z' with his arms.

"I... have to dance. Are you kidding me...?"

Ilima laughed. "It won't be weird, Amelia. It'll make you stand out! People will know you're a great trainer if you have a Z-Ring!"

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