Cleaning up Lusamine's Mess

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It was the next day, and Gladion and I arrived at the Route 8 Motel.

"This is nostalgic," I claimed.

"It is. On our way back from Lush Jungle that night... I first started to have feelings for you." Gladion responded.

"A-all the way then?" I stammered. "Well, I was gonna say how annoyed I was of you then, but..." I laughed sheepishly.

"I mean, I did comment on your..."

I crossed my arms over my chest self-consciously. "No need to say any more...about that, at least."

"You said you'd hope for me to find someone or something that would make me smile, and I did. Seeing you everyday is more than enough for me."

I was gonna make a comment on how he said I wouldn't grow if I didn't get sleep, but even I knew that would ruin the moment. "I'm glad I'm able to mean so much to a person. Your happiness is my happiness~" I chirped. "Unless you're laughing at my pain..." ruined it.

"I would never do that!"

"Let me remind you that you laughed when I fell down the stairs at school! When there were so many people behind me!"

"...I didn't know you were in pain...?" Gladion made a cover up, but I didn't buy it.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go inside."

We went inside, and Anabel was waiting along with... Looker?!

"Amelia, Gladion, it's good to see you. I'd like for you to meet Looker, my subordinate." Anabel introduced.

"I wish you told me the names of the two you recruited before hand! We have an experienced junior detective working with us." Looker gave me a smile. "It's good to see you again after so long, Amelia. I trust that Emma and Mimi are doing well?"

I nodded and caught Looker up on the Looker Bureau.

"Ah, so Emma is handling herself well, then? Magnifique!"

Gladion raised an eyebrow at me. "Junior detective, huh? And you didn't tell me about this? Sounds pretty big."

"It was...quite a bit happened during my time as a junior detective." I thought back to Emma, Mimi, Xerosic, and of course, the Looker Bureau.

"Not only did you find my old partner, but the son of Miss Lusamine! Most impressive, chief!" Looker applauded Anabel.

"I'm glad we're all acquainted with each other. Now, let's get to your roles in this." Anabel began explaining the situation and the task force's effort to fix things. "I realize both of you are at the Aether Paradise. Has Wicke given you the items and information needed for your first task?"

I opened my bag to reveal several 'Beast Balls'. I didn't just get the strange Poké Balls for capturing Ultra Beasts! Miss Wicke gave a few short stories about Gladion and Lillie! She even threw in a picture, much to Gladion's dismay. Oh, and the important information about Ultra Beasts, of course!

Anabel nodded at this. "Good. We can start with your first task right away. The capturing of UB-03 Lightning. UB-01 and UB-02 have already been taken care of. UB-03... Is on this island. We have a witness on her way to report what she saw, so feel free to stay."

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now