An Unpleasant Reunion

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After I calmed myself I ran towards Gladion and Hau. There were four Aether Foundation employees guarding the door, one of them being Faba.

"Ah. Your big-shot friend has joined us. I was explaining to the two boys... I shouldn't have to waste my breath on you, so continuing from where I left off... I knew I would be able to ambush you here and remedy my previous failure. The only reason I let you in the lower floor was to buy time to gather more staff to stop you, but you clearly got through the first round. You...attacked them with your Pokémon rather than having a Pokémon battle, I saw. Amelia had started it. My, how bad that would look on your public standing... There would be an uproar." Faba chuckled.

"If Hau or Gladion thought it was wrong, they wouldn't have followed. Therefore, I don't care." I replied cooly.

"If you told either of them to jump off a bridge after you, would they follow?" Faba inquired.

"Two completely different things. Why do people compare things to jumping off bridges?!"

"So, uh, Mr. Faba, do you have the key to the president's rooms?" Hau asked.

"Indeed! I have it right here." He dangled the keys in front of us.

"So...if you'd just stayed hidden, we would've been stuck here anyway, right?"

"Wh-what?!" Faba was greatly shocked. "E-enough! You lot, teach these children a lesson!"

"We don't have time for this. Help me out here, Amelia." Gladion requested.

"Yup, no problem~" I chirped. We battled the Aether Foundation employees and won easily!

The two employees ran off after being defeated. "H-h-h-how can this be? To be cornered by mere children?!" Faba seemed at a complete loss.

"I guess we work well together, Amelia." Gladion smiled.

"Yeah!" I grinned.

I heard Hau mumble about battling together more often than I have with Gladion, and I sheepishly laughed.

"I'll leave Faba to you two," Gladion stated.

"You got it!" Hau and I replied in unison.

This time, Faba had a Slowbro and a Bruxish, as well as his Hypno. The other employee sent out a Ledian.

It wasn't a difficult battle. Against Faba, I could really see that Hau grew stronger.

The Aether employee ran off.

"I wanna help save Lillie, so I'm going ahead! You don't mind, right?" Faba grimaced and handed the key over.

"Thanks for the key, Mr. Faba!" Hau unlocked the door and Gladion and him went ahead.

"This is why I can't bring myself to like children..." Faba muttered.

I payed him no mind as I followed after Gladion and Hau.

There were many, many Team Skull grunts around the place. Gladion ran through a bunch of them to face Guzma at the end.

"It's crazy that the Aether Foundation's working with Team Skull... I knew the Aether Foundation wasn't good, but Team Skull? That's messed up..." Hau shuddered.

"Yeah... There's only one thing we can do." Hau knew what I was talking about. We both battled through Team Skull grunts.

I reached the end, while Hau was still battling. I witnessed the end of a battle. Gladion's... Null? It looked like Null, but the mask was off revealing a blue mane, and its tail was now completely blue. I heard Gladion shout something about a memory...

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now