Treacherous Trials

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Things progressed pretty fast from Exeggutor Island, and I was in possession of the Sun Flute, the Poisonium Z from Plumeria, the Groundium Z from Hapu, and I was going through Vast Poni Canyon.

Yeah, a lot happened.

While going through Vast Poni Canyon, I encountered many trainers... One of them had an Alolan Ninetales!

After ascending quite a bit, I was now... Descending! Well, about to. I was walking across a bridge until I came across a woman named Mina standing in the middle of it.

She was an artist, and the trial captain of Poni Island.

"I mean, I sort of am. I actually just wander around doing my art, so I don't have an actual trial or anything..." Well, guess I'm done with trials in Alola...? I guess after this is the Pokémon League.

"Vast Poni Canyon sure is a wonder, huh? That's what's so great about traveling. You get to see so much... You get what I mean, right?" Mina inquired.

"Definitely. I guess as an artist traveling is really meaningful, huh?"

She nodded. "Once you've been through this place, you can really understand why that Ilima boy designed his trial the way he did, right?"

I thought back to Verdant Cavern and then nodded.

"Oh, yeah. Here. Take this as a token of our acquaintance." She reached into her pocket, and I held out my hand. She dropped a Z-Crystal in it! That's three today!

"That's the Fairium Z." She walked past me. "Ah... Right, the Z-Dance." She performed the Z-Dance for Fairium Z. "I should really make a trial as captain... I'll have to think of something. See you later then! Alola, alola!" Mina walked off.

Okay, I'm sorry, but... Mina sounds and looks like she's on drugs... Or maybe she's just really laid-back?

I descended via tree and was making my way through trainers that led up to...

Trial markers?!

I made my way through the trainers and walked past the trial markers into a cave.

It felt really ominous... I wasn't informed about this area. Was this an abandoned trial site? The only way to find out is to go through it!

I had to go through it anyway, it led to the altar.

There was a stone tablet with strange looking symbols.

"Hey, Rotomdex, do you know what any of this means?" I questioned. Rotomdex popped out of my bag.

"...Ahead liezzz a sacred ground of trialzzz. None who do not take part in itzz trialzz will be allowed to walk upon thizzz earth. Thozzze lacking the courage to defeat the totem guarding thizz land will be denied entry. But thozzze who believe in their Pokémon and walk bezide them shall gain great power!" Rotomdex read aloud. "Thatzz pretty extreme..."

"Well, since I've entered... I guess there's no turning back." I stated. "What language was that in, Rotomdex?"

"No clue. It muzzzt've been programmed in the dex already..." I wonder if Professor Kukui knew about this and added that feature...

"Thanks for your help, Rotomdex." It went back inside my bag.

I progressed onward.

I felt like... I was being watched going through the trial. Each time that feeling grew really intense, a Pokémon attacked me.

The Pokémon looked similar, and with the help of Rotomdex, I learned that the first Pokémon was called Jangmo-o. It was a Dragon type. The second Pokémon was called Hakamo-o. Like its prevolution, it was a Dragon type too.

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