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Victory Road was completely empty... Were there really only two people that have completed the Island Challenge? It was a bit bothersome because... I found the Icium Z, and there wasn't anyone to instruct me on how to use it. I'll figure something out!

I encountered Hau shortly after clearing Victory Road.

We battled to see who would challenge the league first. Hau seemed very confident, but I ended up being victorious. "I worked my hardest, I know I did!" Hau sighed.

"Sometimes... It's so frustrating! But I know I should use that frustration to get stronger! I'm glad you came to Alola the time you did, Amelia. You're the best rival-friend ever! Well, I'll see you! In battle, that is, future Champion of Alola. I'll be sure to dethrone you!" Hau vowed.

"Good luck to you too, Hau. You're a great trainer in both personality and skill." I flashed him a smile.

"Thanks! See you later!" Hau went back to Victory Road.

Now, time to see if I could actually meet everyone's expectations and beat the league... My team is great! We got this!

At least, I would've like to try taking on the league, but it was dark out and I was feeling tired.

Better save it for tomorrow... The Mount Lanakila Pokémon Center only had the employees in it, so I was able to sleep in there. I probably would have frozen in my sleep otherwise!


Well, my morning doesn't matter too much now, does it?

The Elite Four members are Hala, Olivia, Acerola, and Kahili. How do I know this, you ask? Well, the Champion of Alola should know who's working under them, right?

Yup, that's right! I had successfully defeated the Pokémon League of Alola. Kahili, a friend of Professor Kukui, I had learned, was kind of tough... She had set up Spikes, and switching between Oreo and Tails was rough to watch... I ended up even having to use a Z-Move! Icium Z. I made up a Z Dance... It was pretty legit.

I had sat in my throne room for a while, until suddenly I heard footsteps approaching.

Hau came before me, and we battled. It was my first defense battle of Alola, and I had won, with great difficulty, however...

The Elite Four really must have pushed Hau. He was a whole lot stronger and smarter with his moves!

Hau had told me to head to Iki town. I didn't have to come right away, but before the end of the day would be good.

I didn't go right away. I made a stop at the Aether Paradise.

I was before a room with huge doors and two Aether employees. "Ah. Miss Amelia, here to see Gladion?" one of them queried.

"Yeah," I replied.

"He doesn't know about you being the Champion of Alola. He's been cooped up in the room since returning from hanging out with you." the other employee said. They both stepped out of the way.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in," a tired voice responded.

I opened the door and saw Gladion sitting at a desk, scanning papers and placing sticky-notes on quite a few things. "Lusamine is unwell, she'll get back to you as soon as she's better. -Gladion" Many of them had read.

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now