Team Skull Stirs up Some Trouble

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When I woke up, I went back to Route 10, and made my way along it until I reached the bus stop... Which was surrounded by two Team Skull grunts...

"...What in the world are you two doing?" I questioned.

The two turned around. "Hey yo! Go find your own bus stop! This is ours!" The bus stop...? Like, they have a bus stop sign? I'd like to meet the leader of Team Skull...and ask why.

I noticed one of the grunts sent out a Golbat. "Ah. It's a Pokémon battle you want." I sent out Oricorio. "Air Slash!" Golbat was immediately knocked out.

"Dang, I lost? That quick? Uh, then my homie's gotta fight you. That's how it be in Team Skull!" The grunt's...homie made a rap. It was undoubtedly honest.

It went like this:
"We stand up to even the strong, yo! We stand up, but not for long, yo!"

The grunt sent out a Raticate. Oricorio took it out with one Air Slash.

"Seriously? You're mad strong, yo... And I don't know if you care, but that bus stop weighs as much as a Golem!" Why would I need to know?

"Yo, think about the bus drivers, man! If we take this bus stop, they can all chill! So inconsiderate. I'm over this! Back to livin' large at the mansion!" The two ran off.

Well, that was another example of how idiotic Team Skull grunts are... Anyways, where's Professor Kukui? Did he and Hau already leave? Or maybe I'm early? I waited for a few minutes, and I eventually saw Professor Kukui. He explained to me that Hau was gonna take a bit longer, but he said to go on without him. "I see the next bus making its way here! The ride will give you plenty of time to think about the trial, so I'm sure you'll do great!"


Like what Professor Kukui said at the base of the mountain, I did do great. The Totem Pokémon was a Pokémon called Vikavolt, which Tiger faced and emerged victorious!

Against Vikavolt, Tiger evolved! He was now an Incineroar. There's a huge difference between Torracat and Incineroar... He's part Dark type now, and he learned a move I've never heard of before. A move called "Darkest Lariat". The biggest difference, however, is definitely appearance! Incineroar stands on two legs. Pretty neat, huh?

I not only received the Electrium Z from Sophocles, Mount Hokulani's trial captain, but I also got the Steelium Z from Molayne, the previous trial captain! Professor Kukui left his Masked Royal mask behind, so Molayne entrusted me with giving it back to him. I heard Professor was heading back to Malie Garden, so there I headed. Mount Hokulani sure was eventful!

After a while, I arrived at Malie Garden. Up ahead on the bridge, I noticed two Team Skull grunts and...some other guy. I could tell he was in Team Skull as well. The way he dressed and his gold Team Skull necklace gave it away. Plumeria had a whitish-gray necklace, and this guy has a gold one... Might he be the leader of Team Skull? Am I looking too far into things?

"It's Guzma..." I heard someone whisper.

"The boss has graced us with his presence!" the grunt to the left exclaimed.

"I was spot on!" I exclaimed. Everyone looked at me.

"You ruined my dialogue, kid." the man, Guzma, growled.

"O-oh. Continue!" I covered my mouth.

Guzma sighed. "The boss that beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!" he laughed.

"I'll be the judge of that! Fight me! I will so wreck you!" I cockily exclaimed.

"...Again, I have a lot to say. Be patient, you cocky brat... Greetings, cowering public!" This guy... I mean, I AM being rude, but he's making himself sound so important! He's so...full of himse- oh wait. So am I...

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