Bad News on Sequel

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Hey y'all... Shadow here. In typical me fashion, I SUCK at writing sequels cause I move on to different anime boys wayyy too easily.

I know it's been over a year since the last chapter, but... I started and ended this story in 7th grade I'm pretty sure. I'm a freshman in high school now... Currently, I'm what I assumed Gladion's age to be, 14. As for Amelia... I made her the same age I was at the time of being a Gladion fangirl, 12. My OC ages with me, as I created her on my birthday when I got my first Pokémon game (age of 8? 9?)

Due to some events making sense, and I know pacing and days passing was NOT my forté here, her age is kinda locked in place, and to be honest... Writing about a RELATIONSHIP between a 12 year old and 14 year old ISN'T RIGHT!

A relationship at that age should be kept INNOCENT. This is a fanfic about Pokémon also, after all. As I went with the games storyline, I have to respect that. This might sound uncomfortable, but I have to say it... Kissing and whatnot doesn't sound normal when I think of Gladion and Amelia. I honestly prefer to write stories where characters are in high school, cause that's when being in a relationship MAKES SENSE! I wrote an Aphmau PDH fanfic in the time I wasn't writing this book's sequel, cause "love" manages to work without making me feel uncomfy.

Although I have maybe half of the sequel done, there's some aspects about it that I just can't stand. I'm not gonna go back and change them, as they aren't horrendous and I need SOME romance content, but... If I'm to finish the sequel, the story might just follow Gladion and Amelia acting as just friends really. Would I have them break up, who knows, but yeah... This only addresses one reason why the sequel isn't done yet. There's another one that I addressed in this note's intro.

My interests have CHANGED. A LOT. From being a big fan of Gladion, to Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa, and now Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter... After finishing the Danganronpa series, I had a crush on Shuichi for only one or two months? I do still love him a lot, as he's DEFINITELY my favorite Danganronpa character in terms of development, personality, and appearance, but...

I started watching Hunter x Hunter shortly after, and my gosh how quickly Kurapika caught my eye. His first appearance, and I already knew he was my favorite character. I wasn't crushing on him, I just thought he was REALLY cool. Then he had his own arc and- I LOVE that blonde boi. (Me and blondes with unfortunate pasts, huh?)

Anyways... I'm sure you guys can see the problem. Pokémon just isn't as huge of a thing with me anymore. Yes, I of course love it, but I'm currently getting serotonin from Hunter x Hunter and Kurapika, so I wanna do what makes me happy... With that being said, this book's sequel should probably be seen as discontinued unless I get over my Kurapika phase.

This isn't great news, but I'm not gonna force a sequel, especially since my time has been focused on school, relaxing, and spending time with my family.

I'm really sorry about this, but it's ultimately for the best. Thank you all for the support on this fanfic For an xOC, I didn't think I'd get 1k reads! You guys are amazing ❤

Thankfully, the world of Wattpad is huge. I hope you've come upon amazing stories in my absence and continue to do so! I've actually been reading on Wattpad rather than writing personal one-shots (they aren't great, so they won't ever be published)!

Not really sure how to end this, so... I'll just awkwardly place my intro down and leave!

Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! I really hope we can meet again! Baii~ 💖Shadow🎮 (I've changed the book to a controller hehe)

An Unforgettable Journey! (Gladion x OC Amelia)Where stories live. Discover now