The Island Challenge

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On the way to Iki town, Lillie told me about how she was Professor Kukui's assistant. I told her I was heading to his lab, so we ended up staying together longer than originally planned. Before that, though, we came across Kahuna Hala, and he noticed my Sparkling Stone. He asked for it and told me he'd give it back by tomorrow evening. So, I gave it to him. I wonder what it is.

"Here we are!" It was already dark out. It took a day to get to Alola, and I arrived in the afternoon. Today went by fast...

I followed Lillie inside. "What took you so long, it felt like I was waiting FOREVER!" Hau complained.

"Hau, you weren't even waiting here long! And only an hour passed, anyways." Professor Kukui chuckled. ONLY an hour? We were gone for that long?!

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Professor, Hau..." I apologized.

"It's fine, Amelia. You got to check out a bit of Alola, and got to meet Lillie! I say the day was well spent! Anyways, let's get talking about the Island Challenge!"

"There are four islands: Melemele, which is the island we're on right now, Akala, Ula'ula, and Poni Island. On each island, there is a Kahuna, and trial captains. Each trial captain makes you do a specific task, and then you take on a totem Pokémon. These Pokémon are the regular ones you encounter, but more powerful and larger in size. The Grand Trial is a battle against the Kahuna of the island you're on. And the rest... Is for you to figure out yourself, and for the trial captains to explain!" Professor concluded.

"Wow. That's...really different from the usual. It sounds interesting!" I exclaimed.

"I'm really excited to get started! But that'll have to wait for tomorrow, won't it? It's already dark out! I should get going back to Iki town. La-" Professor cut Hau off.

"Not so fast! I told you I have something to give you back in Iki town, didn't I?" Professor went downstairs and came back up with two red devices.

"Bzzt! Hello! -roto!" I slightly jumped. The Pokédex...was talking? Roto? As in-

"We're both what you'd call a Rotomdex!"

I gasped. "Rotom are very...mischievous Pokémon. You just...settled in a Pokédex? How do I know you won't suddenly get out?"

"I personally like how it is being in a Pokédex! -roto!" The Rotomdex to the right exclaimed.

"I'll be the judge of that. If you're lying...!"

Professor laughed. "I guess that Rotomdex belongs to you, Amelia."

I nodded. "I guess so."

Hau took his Rotomdex and headed out.

"Well, we should have dinner and both of you should head to bed." Professor advised.

And that's what we did. After changing in the bathroom, Lillie told me to follow her. "Professor told me to share my room with you, it's just up this ladder!" Lillie climbed up the ladder and I followed her. There was a blue couch that Lillie was using for a bed and a smaller bed across from hers. Probably Nebby's.

I pulled out my sleeping bag and layed it on the floor. "Good night," I yawned.

"Good night, Amelia." Lillie replied.


It was the next morning. "Good morning, Amelia~" Lillie chirped.

"Good morning!" I picked up my sleeping bag and put it away. "Today's my official start... I'm so excited!"

Lillie smiled. "I guess even with your experience, the Island Challenge is new! Good luck starting out, Amelia! I'll see you around on your journey a lot, I'm sure!"

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