Sakura and sasuke had arrived at the gate on time, hoping that somehow their teammate and sensei had developed a sense of punctuality, the hokage had briefed them on the mission before after naruto and kakashi had left, evidently, naruto had already looked at the mission file, so anyway, their mission was to protect the bridge builder until they got him to the wave country and he finished building the bridge. The bridge builder tazuna was already here when they were arrived, now they were waiting on their sensei and teammate.
After about an hour both kakashi and naruto arrived at the scene, both Sakura and sasuke was confused by this, the two masked nins never came 1 hour late, they were always at least 3 hours late, Sakura who had thought it to be a genjutsu was desperately attempting to dispel it, even though the two had arrived they waited for something, as kakashi said,
"Not everyone is here, we gotta wait for someone important" this statement left both genin and the bridge builder confused who else had to come? All of then we're already here.
After another couple of hours another kakashi and naruto dropped down in front of them.
"But, you, them, how?" Asked Sakura as she looked at the two that had arrived earlier and the two that arrived just now.
As if an answer to her question the two nin that had arrived earlier disappeared in a puff of smoke. They were shadow clones.
"What?! They were shadow clones?"
"You're late you idiots!"
Sakura has had a very undesirable effect on sasuke, now it was as if both of them were banshees, sasuke was unbelievably vocal, it was annoying. Naruto on the other hand had changed into a more quiet character, like a copy of the copy nin, ironically.
"Let's get going" ordered kakashi as he ignored the screams of the brunette and pinkette.
The formation was a bit biased since kakashi was the only high leveled nin, naruto traveled in the front, tazuna right behind him, with sasuke and Sakura on his two sides, and finished off with kakashi at the back.
They walked a good few hours with no distractions, that was until kakashi saw a puddle, a puddle wasn't an abnormal occurrence, unless, it wasn't an abnormal occurrence unless it hadn't rained in the last few weeks. Kakashi made a mental note as he continued walking acting as if he hadn't seen it.
A few minutes later two ninja with blades attached to chains jumped out of the puddle, surprising the genin and the bridge builder, the two ninja wrapped their chains around kakashi and cut him into pieces, the genin squad gasped seeing their sensei killed so easily, tazuna was sweating furiously as he calculated the odds of himself living.
Getting out of her shock Sakura quickly stood in front of tazuna in a defensive stance, while the two uchihas decided do go on the offensive naruto jumped up avoiding a blade that one of the nins threw his way, then he caught the chain and pulled in the missing nin into a punch, this sent the nin towards a tree where naruto quickly tied him up using his own chain.
Meanwhile sasuke was having a bit of a bad time, he wasn't used to fighting full on, the missing nin was throwing projectiles his way in high numbers, as soon as he could get breathing room sasuke quickly went through a few handsigns fire style: great fireballs he shouted as he blew a few fireballs at his attacker, the fireballs hit head on making the assailant fall to the ground, but before sasuke could finish him off kakashi jumped out of a tree knocking out the missing nin.
"Kakashi sensei!" Shouted Sakura in relief and surprise.
"How the hell are you alive?" Shouted sasuke in response.
"Substitution jutsu" said naruto as he turned towards the bridge builder "you, my friend have some explaining to do"
Tazuna's sweat rolled down his face as he felt the pressure of the genin and the jonin stare at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry OK? It's just that Gato, he controls most of wave, and we aren't exactly prospering, so if I build a bridge we could have our trade up and running again, but Gato doesn't want that, so he's trying to kill me, cause if I wasn't alive none of the others would be brave enough to continue my work. I would've asked for a higher rank but we don't have enough money" said tazuna.
"OK, let's keep going, any objections?" Asked naruto. When no-one spoke up he just kept walking as if nothing had happened.
The rest followed him, they didn't know what naruto was thinking, Gato was one of the richest people in the world, and could probably even send a S classed nin after them, but of course if it came to that, kakashi would be there.
They kept walking until a strange mist covered them, naruto suddenly stopped, and shouted,
All of them ducked just in time to see a gigantic sword fly over them and get impaled on a tree, then a man wearing bandages over the bottom part of his face, no shirt, was standing on the sword.
"Hand me the old man and no-one has to die" said the man.
"It's been some time you cow." Said naruto calmly.
The missing nin in front of him irked, "no-one calls me cow you brat, who do you think you are, only one person calls me cow, oh no wait, two people, wait a minute, naruto? Brat is that you?"
"In the flesh" said naruto smirking behind his mask.
"Oh man, imagine running into you here, Whatcha doin here?" Asked the nin as naruto's team watched them talk like old friends.
"Well, a mission, to protect the old man" replied naruto.
"Well you know what that means" said the nin as he took a stance.
Naruto nodded as her to took the same stance, everyone watched them, the air tensed,
"Rock paper scissors" they both shouted.
Everyone sweat dropped at this, there was standing naruto with rock and the nin with scissors.
"You know what that means" said naruto as the nin nodded.
"Haku! Get out here, there's someone you wanna see" shouted the nin. (Hey guys, in this story Haku is a girl)
Almost at the same second he said that a girl jumped from the trees and onto naruto making him stumble and fall on his back with the girl on top of him in a very awkward position, but neither of them seemed to mind.
"Naruto, it's been so long, why didn't you even write to me? I was getting sooooo lonely" she started rambling, it wasn't screeching like Sakura or even loud for that matter, it was a calm soothing voice,
The girl had long black hair reaching her waist and a very very beautiful face, she wore a white gown.
"You know, I don't know your address and I don't have your phone number soo..." said naruto.
Then the girl named Haku got off him and both of them got up. Then Sakura grabbed naruto's hand.
"Naruto, who are these people?" She screeched,
"Naruto who is this girl? Why is she holding your hand?" Haku got defensive as she grabbed naruto's hand away from Sakura's grasp.
"OK OK guys calm down, first this is Zabuza Momoichi also known as the demon of the mist. And his adopted daughter Haku Momoichi. I met them when I left the village when I was a kid, they taught me a bit. Anyway, Zabuza, Haku, this is my genin team, and our sensei, kakashi hatake, and no Haku there is nothing between Sakura and me, she and sasuke have a thing" naruto sighed after his introduction, he hadn't spoke that much in a very long time.
"Nice to meet you guys" said Haku happily as she clung to naruto's arm and pecked naruto under the mask where his mouth should be.
So guys, I hope you like it, and I never really like the idea of Haku as a guy, soo, since this is my fabric, what I said go sooooo anyways,
Peace out brothers and sisters✌✌
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Lonely Guardian of Konoha [Completed]
FanfictionNaruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. naruto and sasuke grow up as brothers, more alike than any other, btw, in this story naruto has a bit of a different perso...