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The last thing Teuchi saw was Oturan’s greenish yellow eye with slits as Orutan sunk his claws into the old man’s throat forcing out what little life was left in him, unexpectedly almost at the same time Ayame who had been out shopping for groceries got back to the shop, seeing the ninjas surrounding it and Orochimaru’s scream to stop Ayame ran as fast as her legs could carry her, arriving at the stand she couldn’t see the matter but as soon as she got to the counter she saw the scene within the kitchen,

Her father lay in a pool of blood, his eyes wide with disbelief that the child he regarded like his own had done such a deed to him, she saw Orutan, or rather as she had no information of Naruto’s other personality she saw a child that she thought a brother, she saw Naruto with his hands dripping with blood as he clutched his head in agony and a shocked and paralyzed fat man lying in the corner.

She froze, she couldn’t comprehend what has happened, the bags in her hands fell down, the vegetables rolling on the bare ground, looking at her father’s lifeless body she fainted, only to be caught by Tsunade before she could hit the ground.

Naruto or Orutan, whoever it was at the moment continued to clutch his head in agony screaming out curses to what seemed like himself. This went on for good few minutes before he his eye regained its natural bright blue color, his masters sighed, but their reaction was too early as much to their horror and the horror of all witnessing the scene, he plunged his own hand into his throat killing himself. He fell back down to the ground another pool of blood forming around his lifeless body.

Everyone around was shocked, they had long since identified the man as the boy that was executed not long ago, they had clearly seen this lifeless body hung by the neck, but here he was, and if that wasn’t crazy enough for you he just screamed at himself scolding himself, still not crazy enough? He just killed himself by stabbing his throat with his own hand! Now if that isn’t crazy enough for you I’m guessing you are one heck of a dude, or dudet whichever you prefer.

Almost as if on cue Orochimaru landed next to Naruto, lifting his head and laying on his lap “Dammit! Not again!” he looked at the boy in his arms as he stood up carrying him, he looked at the other Sannin and masters and said, “Clean up the mess” after which he shushined away.

Tsunade was in shock as well were quite a few other ninjas who saw the scene, he wasn’t lying, Naruto really couldn’t die. It was a lot to take it no matter what. The news spread quick, by the next morning everyone knew the truth, given many thought it a simple rumor, but the Daimyos knew the truth, and so another trial was held.

The very next morning Naruto’s still dead body was taken by guards, then placed back in a cell, and the hall was arranged for yet another trial, this time to give a sentence to an immortal. The villagers poured in once more, the believing ones came to see the first immortal they had seen with their eyes, the others came to see if the rumors were true.

The daimyos entered, only the Earth Daimyo sat down while the Fire Daimyo remained standing as he looked down at the villagers, 

“I’m guessing that most of you are wondering the reason for this trial, And most of you have already heard the rumors, I am here to tell you that these rumors are true, we do have an immortal amongst us, the young Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha-Namikaze-Hatake has been proved an immortal, while this is amazing we still have to decide his punishment for his crime as he cannot be killed. The Daimyos have decided that his punishment would be banishment from the Fire territory and Earth territory for eternity.”

The last sentence seemed to reverb in everyone’s ears, eternity, banishment for eternity. If it was any other case most would be laughing at the poor choice of words, but knowing what they knew this word brought about a serious atmosphere.

Meanwhile Sasuke was in a daze, banished for eternity, what did it mean? For him it means he would never see his brother again, even if he did, they would be in different sides, and he may even have to actively work against him. This revelation hit him like a pile of bricks.

The daimyo had not finished, looking around at the reactions he continued “And for the next two years he will be hunted by five selected ninjas from the village hidden in the leaves. The sentence will be carried out as soon as Mr. Naruto has awakened. Ah almost forgot, Naruto Uzumaki-Uchiha-Namikaze-Hatake from this moment forth has been labeled as a missing-nin of SS level. All ninjas below SS level are advised to flee on sight”


Yo peeps wassup!?

Damn it’s been a while, again, haha, it takes some time to milk someinspiration outta life, and don’t worry I’m not gonna drop it, I’ve promised myself, no-matter how long it takes imma finish this one, and it still has a long way to go to being finished. Haha, hope you are enjoying, hope even more that you’re crying, I ain’t called the king of tragedy for nothing after all, much more suffering to come people.

Will Naruto Wake up?

Even if he does would he be able to forgive himself?

Even if he did would he be able to leave behind his home forever?

Find out on the next episode of dragon ball - *haha kidding!

Peace out brothers and sisters

Vote and comment!!

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