It was a dark room, there was a single window shining the moonlight onto a table behind which a fat, short man sat, he looked like a man of importance, but at the moment he was drowning himself in sake, he would not normally do this, preferred more exquisite drinks, but recently something had happened that made him understand that his days were numbered, and there was nothing better than some good old wave sake to clear up the mind. He heard a sound outside the door, almost like something dripping to the ground, then the door opened, revealing a kid, he had red hair that stood up, wore a eye patch and a mask, alongside a turtle neck black T-shirt, black ANBU trousers, black full handed gloves and metal toed boots.
"Gato, your protection is less than I expected" said the kid in a bored tone.
"Would it really have mattered?" Gato asked, he knew the kid, he knew he was coming after him.
"Guess not, you know I liked you, but you've taken things a bit too far" said the red haired kid.
"I know, well get it over with" said Gato as he leaned back on his chair, accepting his fate.
"Not today, today I'll take your impersonator's head, and for your life you will put your company under my name in your will"
"Really?" Asked Gato clearly surprised.
The boy merely nodded as he walked towards Gato, then he took out a scroll and unsealed it. And took out a head, the head seemed very similar to Gato, it was Gato's personal impersonator, for when he needed to do speeches and interviews, Gato hated being outside, so this guy did all of the public interactions for him.
"Don't forget to add my name in that will" the boy said as he sealed the head back I'm the scroll before taking the scroll and jumping out of the window.
Gato sighed to himself, his reign of wave was over, now it was time to start fresh, maybe a trading company, yeah, that's it, work for wave.
Haku had stopped crying , she was now sitting at the edge of the lake, dipping her legs into it as she your of naruto, she hadn't really liked him at first, he always seemed so loud and happy, and annoying, but after a while she got used to it, and then after a while she found that that wasn't even really him, it was a mask, a mask to hide his sorrow, his pain, he understood her pain, Zabuza had helped her get over it, but he never really understood what she felt, but naruto understood, he was the one who truly brought her back to the light, at first she wanted to get revenge, in the whole village that had attacked her mother, but naruto changed that, bit he still held on to his pain, his revenge, Haku just wished that she could bring him back, the same way he did her. She was thinking when she felt movement, she turned around to see a red haired boy.
"Naruto, where were you, I was scared"
"Gato, needed to cool down" replied the red haired boy.
Naruto, who's hair had gone red with blood and his clothes stained with blood laid on the ground, next to Haku, he liked her, but he couldn't tell her, that would mean that they would be together, it reminded him of the first time he felt this way, with teni, he didn't want to lose Haku too.
Haku looked at naruto,
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah, what about you?"
"I'm great..............thank you"
"For what?"
"For saving me, from myself"
"Of course" said naruto as he reached up, caressing her hair.
"" said Haku silently, hoping he wouldn't hear.
"I love you too" he said before falling asleep.
Haku couldn't believe it, he had said it, he had finally said it, a smile came over her face as she looked at naruto.
She lifted his head a little and laid it down on her lap, before she started to caress his hair.
Naruto woke up to an all too familiar scent, the scent of dried blood, when he opened his eyes he could see that it was morning, he seemed to be laying down on something soft, he got up to investigate, he was sleeping on Haku, that was when he remembered the details of the last night, he smacked him himself, why did he say, it? Idiot!
Haku woke up to the sound of someone being smacked, she looked up to see naruto, he was giving an eye smile,
"Morning" said naruto.
"Good morning"
"You, Umm do you remember what happened yesterday?"
"Well you know, what I said?"
"We're you lying?" She pouted as she asked.
"No, no, no, I just, I don't want to lose you" said naruto softly as he caressed her cheek.
"You won't, not now anyway" said Haku as she leaned forward. "The mask" asked Haku as she reached to pull it down.
"You won't like it" he said trying to stop her.
"I dont care" she said as she pulled it down.
There was a scar on his left cheek, it was as if someone had put a knife into his mouth and ripped it open, it was stitched but it seemed fresh.
"When did it happen?" Asked Haku a bit scared.
"A long time ago, a poison, it can't heal, ever" replied naruto as he tried to pull up his mask.
Haku stopped him before shaking her head, and leaned towards him, almost as if by instintinct he leaned too, their lips connected, naruto was a bit hesitant, if he did this, then there was no going back, but his doubts vanished as Haku pulled him closer, he pulled her deeper into the kiss, licking her bottom lip a bit to ask for permission, she loosened her lips, allowing him to explore her mouth, it was a kiss with passion, years of blocked emotion put into it, it was perfect, until.
"Ahem" someone cleared their throat behind them,
Both naruto and Haku jumped away from each other, both reaching for their weapons, naruto quickly pulled up his mask before taking out a kunai, facing the intruder.
"Whoa whoa, calm down, it's just me, kakashi sensei was getting worried, he told me to find you, though, I guess you weren't in any real trouble" sasuke said as he chuckled "wait till the others hear" he shouted before running.
"Hey sasuke don't!" Shouted naruto, bug it was too late, sasuke was gone.
"Well" Haku said, not sure what to say.
"I guess we are dating" said naruto as he picked up Haku bridal style gaining a squeal from her before running towards the house with her clinging to him.
Sooooo, I hope you aren't mad at me, if you feel pike these are fillers or something plz forget it, anyway, anyway, I don't know what to say, so I'm just gonna say
Peace out brothers and sisters ✌✌
Vote and comment!!!!

Lonely Guardian of Konoha [Completed]
FanfictionNaruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. naruto and sasuke grow up as brothers, more alike than any other, btw, in this story naruto has a bit of a different perso...