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"Ugh" sasuke banged his head against the table in frustration,

They had gotten the papers 30 minutes ago, and they had about and hour and a half to go, but as sasuke went through the paper he found that it was impossible for him to answer these questions, they were jonin level! Well he understood the test's reason, intelligence gathering, but the problem was sasuke had to skills for that type of thing,

'Hey, you guys there?'

There was a voice in his head! That scared sasuk more than never being a chuunin,

'It's me naruto, I put a seal on you two that let's me communicate with you telepathically, just think what you want to say and we'll hear it.' Came the voice again, this calmed sasuke down, kind of,

'Hey, Sakura here'

'I'm here too'

Sakura and sasuke replied in their minds.

'Perfect, I've got all the answers, I'll say them out, you guys copy it down'

Said naruto as he started to recite the answers for all the questions,
The rest of the written exam went on without a hitch, unless you count the occasional disqualified team, that was until. The last question was to be given out,

"OK, now the tenth question, you have a choice whether to take it or not, if you choose not to take it, all your points shall be deducted and you will be disqualified, but if you take the question and answer it wrong. You will not only fail the exam but also you will never again be able to take the chuunin exams again." Said Ibiki earning a lot of gasps and complaints from the genin in front of him,

Then of course the hall started to empty out except for a few of the more confident genin, but even after the weak ones had been weeded Ibiki stood there glaring at them making the tension higher

"Hey, stop staring and give us the damn question we ain't got all day idiot!" Screamed sasuke, his impatient side getting the better of him,

Ibiki sighed, naruto face palmed,

"Well, the rest of you......pass" said Ibiki, but before anyone could react the window got smashed and a banner fulled up the room that said,

'The sexy proctor of the second exam, Anko Mitirashi'

Then a black haired woman jumped in,

"Anko, you're early again" said Ibiki,

"Whatever, hey you're loosing your touch Ibiki, brats get to training ground 44 asap, if you are not the in five minutes, you fail" screamed anko. And as soon as she said that the genin started rushing out of the room, anko herself jumped out of the window.

A few minutes later all of the remaining genin gathered in front of the training ground 44, well, almost all, sasuke and Sakura were frantically searching for their teammate, naruto was missing, they prayed that he wouldn't be late enough to get disqualified.

After anko had explained to them the rules of the second exam, suddenly there was a crash right in front of anko, between her and the other genin. When the dust settled it could be seen a boy with silver gravity defying hair, an eye patch and a face mask, sitting there reading an orange book.

Anko had an nerve popping on her forehead,

"You fail!!" She shouted at the boy,

"Why?" Asked the boy calmly as he put his book into his pocket,

"Cause you are late, and this is revenge" replied anko with a sadistic look on her face,

"Hey, that's not fair, one I didn't know that you were pining for iruka when I set him up, and two, I was late cause I wanted to get you a 'I'm sorry' gift" said naruto

"Well,.... OK.....let's see what you got brat" said anko as she reached her hands,

"Here ya go" replied naruto as he threw her two boxes,

Anko caught them and opened them, as soon as she saw what was inside she had a look of surprise and amazement on her face,

"Dango!! It's dango!! Oh my god! You are forgiven kid, thank you sooo much, I could kiss you right now" shouted anko as she wrapped her arms around naruto her face just mere inches away from his own,

"You do know that Haku is gonna kill both of us if you do it right?" Asked naruto, he was surprisingly calm in face of such a situation.

"Who cares, imma do it" said anko as she pressed her lips against naruto's and trying to kiss him deeply, but the mask was in the way,

"Can I take off the mask?" Asked anko still clinging to naruto,

"No" replied naruto coldly,

"Aaaw, please" said naruto as she pouted her lips and gave him the puppy eyes,

"No" repeated naruto,

"You are no fun, you know, if you were 5 or 6 years older I would ask you out" said anko as she went back to her box of dangos.

All the other genin were watching g them in utter shock, some had even fainted due to blood loss,

"OK, now you brats sign the paper and get your scrolls and get to your gates" shouted anko, suddenly turning into her normal attitude.

The genins sweat dropped as they signed their papers and for their scrolls, discussing strategies summing themselves.

"Dude what was that?" Screamed sasuke,

"What?" Asked naruto,

"What? She is totally into you, how do ya even know her?" Shouted Sakura

"Quiet down, I know people OK? Let's just get this test done with" replied naruto as he signed his paper and went into the tent to get their scroll.


Yo Yo Yo. Sup, anyways I'm a bit ahead of schedule, I hope y'all like it and we'll same as always. I'm like crazy bored so I wrote this and also if I don't write this my naruto nerd fan friend is gonna kill me along with his brothers so yeah, anyway. Love you all thank you sooooo much for the votes reads and the comments,

Peace out brothers and sisters ✌✌

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