Sasuke and the other genin wove through the streets running towards the academy, where iruka sensei was gathering people to peas them to the bunkers,When they landed in front of the academy qll the people, students were in a crowd waiting for iruka sensei to lead them whole iruka was checking if everyone was there,
"Iruka sensei" shouted sasuke as he approached his former teacher.
"Ah, sasuke, I see everyone's here, wait, where's naruto?" Asked iruka worried,
"Um, he, um he kinda is, um fighting that Gaara guy?" Sasuke stuttered afraid.
"Whaaaat???" Screamed all the genin and iruka,
"Is he crazy!? Why the hell didn't you stop him?" Shouted the person nobody expected, ino,
Suddenly everyone turned towards her, as ino realizing that she screamed out loud was blushing, Sakura on the other hand had a mischievous grin on her face,
"Ino~ do you have a little crush on someone?" Asked Sakura teasingly, which made ino blush even more.
"W-what, n-no!" Stuttered ino.
"Anyway, she's right, someone has to help him. Sasuke, you and ino go help him out" said iruka sensei,
Just as he finished a gust of wind pushed them away, the ninjas were strong enough to keep themselves rooted in place albeit barely, but the civilians had no such fortune as they were sent flying,
Then a puppet dropped in front of them, Kankuro's puppet to be exact,
"Hey! What's up? I was wondering if you could tell us where your buddy took our brother" a voice came from behind the puppet, Temari's voice,
At last the dust cleared showing Kankuro and Temari standing behind Kankuro's puppet 'crow'
"Shikamaru, shino, can you guys take them, sasuke and ino take kiba with you track naruto down and help him, everyone else help the civilians" iruka sensei started shouting out orders,
Almost as soon as he said it sasuke ino and kiba were gone and shikamaru and shino were standing in front of Temari Kankuro and crow blocking them from following sasuke.
Meanwhile naruto and Gaara had stopped each on top of a branch,
"Mother wants your blood aunt" said Gaara in a deep voice, half of his body was covered by sand,
"Wow, you know that just sounds, bad, and I am not your frickin aunt" shouted naruto,
Naruto jumped at Gaara, aiming a kick at Gaara's head, but with a swish of his Sandy tail naruto was thrown away, naruto landed on another branch on his feet and made a hand sign and shouted out,
"Multi clone jutsu"
With that a whole army of clones covered the forest around Gaara, with a nod from each of them all of them pounced at Gaara, attacking him from all sides without letting him defend himself.
After a few minutes of relentless attacking Gaara had enough as he roared sending out a wave of sand which pushed away naruto's clones, subsequently poofing the clones out of existence.
"No more games" roared Gaara as he attacked naruto, sending waves of sand after him.
This didn't seem to faze naruto as he dodged wave after wave, almost too easily, seemingly antagonizing the redhead.
"Naruto!" Came a voice from behind him, naruto quickly turned his head to see who had called his name, Gaara did not miss the opportunity and as naruto was distracted he sent a wave of sand throwing naruto back and into a tree with a tremendous force,
But naruto got up as if it was nothing,and turned towards the newly arrived people, sasuke, ino and kiba,
"What are you doing here?" Asked naruto calmly,
"We just figured we could help bro" said sasuke with a grin,
"And it looks like you need it" followed kiba,
"I told you to go! For god's sake I can't fight him while protecting you you idiots" shouted naruto, making the three genin cringe,
"No more, play possum jutsu!" Screamed Gaara angered by the fact that he was being ignored
With that naruto turned around muttering "oh god"
Naruto completely forgot about the others as he focused his attention on the redhead, who had now fallen asleep and was forming a sand creature around him.
When the figure was completed a gigantic sand raccoon could be seen,
"Yahoo I'm finally free!" Shouted the creature,
"You three, hide, this is gonna be bad" said naruto as he arranged himself for his next move,
"Summoning jutsu" he shouted, them a seal appeared beneath him and a giant snake appeared with naruto standing on its head,
"Why did you summ- oh, a jinchuuriki, haha, I like you boy, you always have a good fight waiting for me" said Manda.
"Glad you see it that way, now, I need to get rid of it but I can't kill the jinchuuriki, got anything?" Asked naruto from the snake,
"Just wake him up, it'll be too easy, I'll wrap him up, and you wake the boy with a few good punches"
"I like the way you think"
"Hold on naruto"
With this quick exchange Manda dig himself underground, making himself unable to be seen, and within a few seconds he suddenly appeared from the ground beneath Shukaku,making it stumble and using this to his advantage Manda wrapped himself around the bijuu and dropped naruto onto Shukaku's head.
"No no no! I can't go back I just got here!" Shouted Shukaku as he tried to struggle, but it was in vain as every time he struggled the grip just got tighter.
Naruto who had walked over to the sleeping Gaara simply tappedbhim first to see if it might work, but of course obviously it didn't, which made naruto punch Gaara, still no reaction, naruto was about to punch the redhead again when he felt his leg being sucked by something, looking down on his feet he saw his legs were halfway inside Shukaku, it was almost as if the bijuu was made of quicksand,
Shukaku seemed to have hot a new sense of hope as he shouted,
"I will not leave!!" With that spikes of sand appeared on him impaling Manda, causing him to poof out of existence.
With that Shukaku started to jump around attempting to get naruto off him, unfortunately for him naruto was also stuck on him, so naruto kept punching the redhead, and finally there was a reaction as the redhead slowly came to, causing the sand to melt away, making the two nins fall to the ground, naruto had enough sense to catch the redhead and land on his feet.
"Whew, that was way too easy" said naruto.
Yo guys u know its been some time, and I'm sorry, but my sis still hasn't got a new phone so I had to beg her to let e use mine sconce she's 'borrowing' it, anyway, it's my birthday!!! 16th of October I'm 17 this year so yay! Or whatever, anyway, I told you guys that I would give you guys requests, to do anything you ask, so this is your chance, if you wanna ask me something or whatever,
And also, I also want everyone to show a lot of support to my no. 1 hyperactive knucklehead ninja Shinobi_Ninja she's going through some difficult times and she really needs support, so yeah, I just wanna say, always know, whoever might not be with you and whoever doesn't like you, they don't matter, who matters is the people who do like you and who do care for you, like the saying goes, haters gonna hate, anyway, that's it I guess,
Peace out brothers and sisters✌✌
Vote and comment!!!

Lonely Guardian of Konoha [Completed]
FanfictionNaruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. naruto and sasuke grow up as brothers, more alike than any other, btw, in this story naruto has a bit of a different perso...