It's been 5 days since 'the incident', naruto wasn't back yet, and none of the ninja were authorized to go after him, in fact they were prohibited to go after him.Sasuke, Sakura, ino and all the others were cooling down after a full day of work,
"Where do you think he is?" asked sasuke from no-one in particular,
"A more interesting question would be, what did he do?" Answered shikamaru,
"You think he could actually kill Onoki?" Asked ino,
"I would think so, even a kage isn't as strong as the kyuubi" replied shino.
Their minds were filled with questions, naruto, where was he, what had he done,
Meanwhile tsunade was in the hokage tower, in what used to be her sensei's office, now hers, there was a bottle of sake on her table, she seemed extremely drunk,
Suddenly the door to the office was opened in a hurry, it was shizune, she looked as if she had no sleep, and combined with the look of urgency she had on a face, let's just say, it wasn't her best day,
"What is it, is he back?" Asked tsunade,
"No, there's a man, he says that he saw him" replied tsunade,
"Send him in" said tsunade with a dissapointed expression as she took another swig from the bottle.
A man came in, he didn't seem like a ninja, he looked like a normal villager, well, except for the tattered and dirty clothes, and looked a bit shaken,
"What's your name?" Asked tsunade a bit loud
The man jumped with fear, at her sheer volume,
"I-it's y-yulin hokage" he said stuttering, looking around nervously as if expecting an attack anytime,
"So you say, you've seen naruto?"
"Y-yes, I-I saw the d-deathgod" replied the man,
"Deathgod?" Tsunade raised an eyebrow with interest,
"Yes, our kage had just announced that he had gotten justice for our ancestors that died in the war, but then a day later, a demon appeared he had a hollow for his left eye and f-fangs, a-and he, had this e-eye, greenish yellow, g-glowing, h-he, was, he was smiling, as he, as he hic everyone, the women, children, only I, only I escaped" by this time the man was bawling his eyes out,
Tsunade and shizune had a look of pure shock in their faces, they would have never guessed that he would go that far, they never even gave thought to the idea that he could go that far.
"Take him away, get him an apartment, and, no-one talks to him" said tsunade after a while, she looked, tired, or worried.
An ANBU dropped from the ceiling scaring the man who was already pretty shaken up, then escorted the man away.
After they were gone, shizune took a seat, and looked at tsunade with deep eyes,
"Do......., do you think it's true?"
"I- I don't know, but I know someone who would, call Orichimaru to the office now"
with that another ANBU fell from the ceiling and went out from the door.
Within a few seconds Orichimaru appeared in the office via shushin. He had a questioning, and irritated look on his face,
It seem he hadn't come of his own will but the ANBU had dragged him here, Orichimaru pulled away his arm from the ANBU who was still holding it as if he would run away,
"What's this about tsunade?" Asked Orichimaru, evidently frustrated,
"We just received information, that naruto, killed all the iwa villagers and ninjas, all of them, including the women and children" said tsunade,
Orichimaru's expression hadn't changed a bit, as he asked
"So, what's the problem here?"
"What's, what's the problem? Is it true, would he truly do that?" Asked shizune
"Considering his mood at that moment, I think he could, and would've and I really don't blame him, the iwa shook the hornet's nest, they should've been ready to get stung"
And Orichimaru walked out, as soon as he was out he let out a breath that he had been holding,
'What have you done Naru?' Thought Orichimaru as he walked away, his face looked calm but his mind was filled with worry.
Meanwhile tsunade was banging her head on the table, after a few minutes she stopped and called an ANBU,
"Get me sasuke uchiha and shikamaru Nara, and be quiet about it"
The ANBU knelt on one knee before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. As soon as the ANBU had left the doors to the office opened once again, this time by a man covered in bandages.
"Shimura Danzo" said tsunade, surprised at what he was doing here,
"Lord hokage, I understand that there was news from a man from iwa, I'm here to know what that news was" said Danzo,
Tsunade clenched her teeth, 'how did he find out!?'
Tsunade was in an unfavourable position, if she said the truth, there would be a banishment, or even worse, but if she lied or denied to speak, there would be no confidence in her as hokage,
"Well, yes I did get information from a man claiming to be an iwa villager, unfortunately, the information was not credible, I was just in the act of sending a few nins to see if it was true"
Tsunade improvised feeling quite proud of herself for coming up with such a good excuse so fast,
"Well in that case I volunteer one of my trained nins" said Danzo as if he was expecting this,
Then he clicked his fingers, almost instantly a pale looking boy jumped out of nowhere standing next to Danzo,
"This is Sai, he's very well trained, now I'll leave you to it"
Tsunade clenched her teeth again in anger, 'how could this man plan so well, it's as if he knew what I would say from the beginning'
A few minutes later shikamaru and sasuke came into the hokage office,
"Sasuke, shikamaru, this is Sai, he will be working with you for your next mission, it's a covert mission, you cannot tell anyone of what happens in this office or in you mission, do you understand?" Said tsunade,
"Is it about naruto?" Sasuke asked loudly,
"Yes yes it is, we he obtained information that naruto massacred the whole iwa village, your mission is to find out if this information is true" said tsunade.
"Yes ma'am" said all three of them.
Yo guys sup, soo, this is the new one, as promised next is a special chapter telling you about naruto's life story, and also I want you guys to meet my best friend in real life
Anyway, c ya guys later
Peace out brothers and sisters✌✌
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Lonely Guardian of Konoha [Completed]
FanfictionNaruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. naruto and sasuke grow up as brothers, more alike than any other, btw, in this story naruto has a bit of a different perso...