"3.....2......1 go!"
And so the gates had opened, lighting the path for the second exam, all around the training ground genins were scurrying trying to find opponents and pass the test,
Sakura and sasuke were no less enthusiastic, they had started to sprint full speed as soon as the gate opened, but naruto on the other hand was walking slowly and openly reading his little orange book. While wondering how pong it would take for his teammates to notice his lack of presence.
It took a few hours but soon enough the two genin of team 7 were back in front of naruto,
"What the hell dobe! What are you taking a walk?" Shouted sasuke at full volume,
"Calm down, take it slow" said naruto calmly not taking his eyes off of his book, as he kept walking
The two others of his team weren't very happy with his behaviour but sucked it up as they followed him,
A few minutes later a great gust of obviously unnatural wind blew throwing them away from each other, well throwing naruto in one direction and sasuke and Sakura in another.
When naruto came to be found bundled in the middle of a crater of sorts, leaning against a tree, the wind had probably pushed him towards it, knocking him out. He looked forward at the destruction brought by the wind, he was actually amazed, there was a large area that was caved in by the force of the wind in addition to the crater he was standing on, then he switched his attention to any enemies nearby, of course he would have checked this first, but since no-one had attacked him yet he came to the conclusion that there was no enemy, he turned back towards the tree he was just leaning on, but what he saw was a giant brown snake, that looked like tree before due tomorrow the confusion.
The snake was curled up and was eyeing naruto, without even moving, of course obviously naruto found this a bit confusing, obviously it isn't a wild snake since it was not attacking, so it was most definitely a summon, there were only 2 other snake summoners he knew, one was anko, and of course anko hadn't a reason to send a snake after him unless she was planning to kidnap him and rape him, and even though he found that really and truly possible, he went with the second most important summoner, Orichimaru.
Naruto reached out his right arms, a red katana forming, as soon as it fully materialized he started to slash at the snakes flanks, after all that was where it's defences were weakest, after its underbelly of course but since he couldn't get to the underbelly naruto settled for the flanks, it wasn't that dangerous unless you were too slow, and naruto was anything but slow.
A few seconds later the snake laid at his feet, dead, and the snake popped out of existence, naruto quickly redirected his attention to finding his teammates, he found them easy enough.
Sakura was on the ground, unconscious, and sasuke was frozen as Orichimaru's neck grew longer and was closing in on sasuke, sasuke's sharingan had awakened and it was fully matured, bit still since he had never used those eyes before sasuke could use it to break his predicament, naruto's own sharingan flared into life as he jumped in knocking sasuke out of the back, thus receiving Orichimaru's curse mark in his right arm, just below his elbow.
Sasuke who was knocked off the tree hit another tree and was knocked unconscious.
"Damn it Orochi-sensei not again!" Shouted naruto at the long haired man in front of him.
Asked Orichimaru, his defenses slightly lowering. After naruto nodded he suddenly turned red, then he started laughing uncontrollably, not the normal cackle, plain real, I-just-heard-an-awesome-joke laugh.
"Oh.....my......god......naruto...Hahaha.....kakashi......Hahaha.....that's hilarious......Hahaha"
After a few minutes his laughter he finally calmed down. Both his and naruto's defences were lowered,
"Soo, what brings you around here?" Asked naruto
"Well, a bit of sight seeing, and also, the sand is planning to invade konoha in the finals of the chuunin exams, also they have a jinchuuriki" replied Orichimaru suddenly switching to business mode,
Naruto shivered a bit at the likeliness between Kabuto and Orichimaru.
"Well, can you take the Kazekage?" Asked naruto,
"Well, I might need the team and sensei, he's a bit hard to handle with his sand style." Admitted Orichimaru,
Naruto nodded before replying, "well get the team, and I can take the jinchuuriki, and then I'll probably have tome to come save your ass"
"Hey! I'm a sannin"
"Sannin, genin, whatever, truth is you've lost the touch, all of ya" replied naruto "now give me your scroll, what is it?"
Orichimaru gave a defeated look as he handed naruto an earth scroll, it was perfect since naruto had the heaven scroll, naruto nodded before asking
"Did you find a way to remove them s thing?"
Naruto showed Orichimaru a cursed seal on his neck which Orichimaru had given him when they trained a few years ago
"No, it's......I'm not so good at seals" said Orichimaru.
"And what the hell were you trying to do?"
"I wanted a sharingan" Orichimaru pouted like a kid.
"You got a stupid zesty right? Use that this, make a clone of sasuke and get the sharingan you dolt, you think that people won't notice if you steal the last uchiha, and your sensei would be especially mad" explained naruto,
"I heart thought of that, you're a genius kid, thanks and see ya" saying this Orichimaru ran away,
Naruto shook his head in disappointment as he sighed,
"Wonder when he'll realize that he's running in the wrong direction,anyway. Not my problem" he muttered as he picked up his teammates one on each shoulder and ran towards the tower, the same direction Orichimaru had run in.
Sooooo, I have seen/heard a lot of compliments, I just want to tell people how much I love those, I love you all you loyal readers who keep reading this book despite it being a total load of crap,
Also I want to tell that most probably after this story I'll start a new naruanko book and for this you have TheCrimsonWrath to thank/blame,
PS: I personally think it's blame cause the boom will probably be shit scince who the writer is.
Anyway, he kinda lot a spark of inspiration in my mind, and when a story pops up in my mind, it's not just a story, it blooms into something else, I am really excited to take that journey with you, but first let's finish this journey shall we?

Lonely Guardian of Konoha [Completed]
FanfictionNaruto has been adopted by the uchiha clan, why? well because they are the only ones who can teach him to control the kyuubi. naruto and sasuke grow up as brothers, more alike than any other, btw, in this story naruto has a bit of a different perso...