august issue ✧ 1

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it's my birthday so as promised...

the content of this book belongs to me. I do not own any of the characters that exist in real life.


It was a rare occasion for Luke Hemmings to be nervous. Yet, this was one of those times.

He had spent his summer reading books, writing books and thinking everything would go back to normal once the school would start.

Luke was wrong.

On the very first day when he walked into the small room reserved for the school's newspaper, he saw half of the equipment was gone.

Not only that but no one, literally no one applied to help him in the upcoming school year. The two other students who used to work on it already graduated and all of the sudden the principle decided to cancel the paper.

Luke's English teacher Mr. Abrams was the only one who cared enough to make sure The Ink would still get published and Luke could still do what he loved.

That was the only good thing that came to his mind as he observed the principal, Mr. Abrams, and several other teachers discuss the future of his bellowed paper.

It was funny as it seemed they all wanted it but no one wanted to give up the money from their own after-school activities to make it work.

"What about..." The principal suggested. "We convert it from paper form to an online form? That way everybody could read it and no extra money would be spent."

Before anyone could agree Luke raised his voice. "Not everybody in this school can afford a smartphone or a computer. And there already is a problem with not enough school computers for school related stuff I don't think reading my newspaper on them would be a priority."

The principal sighed. "Tell me, Mr. Hemmings, what do you think the newspaper brings to the school."

Luke fixed his posture. "It's not hard to see that a lot of people read it. In the last few years, we really made it more interesting, less formal and we made sure it was what the students wanted. There are more sport related topics and everybody had been enjoying the puzzles and crosswords."

"In my classes." One of the professors added. Luke offered him his charming smile.

"I agree some changes need to be made. Since I've become a one-man team I know I can't release a new issue every week but I can do one every two weeks. Mr. Abrams kindly lectures the issues before they come out, we get the photographs from the Photography Club and one of the students who are interested in digital editing helps with the layout. The only actual cost is the print."

"Which is not cheap." The principal added.

"And it's not expensive."

"I've looked through your reports Luke." He wasn't sure if principal calling him by his first name was a good or a bad thing. "They weren't the clearest. But I see you are willing to make this work so I see some possibilities."

"Either, like mentioned, we make it an online thing and buy two or three tablets for the purpose of reading it and keep it in the library." Luke's frown made everybody know how he felt about that. "Or we publish it monthly instead of weekly basis."

Luke was about to start crying in front of the teachers when Mr. Abrams raised his voice.

"Mr. Colin what about Michael?"

The principal raised his eyebrow. "What about-? Oh... Yes, I didn't even think about that."

"About what? Who is Michael?" Luke asked.

"Mr. Hemmings we'll have to go over the paperwork again but I think I'll all work out. You'll not only get an additional person to help you with the newspaper but will also get the money to publish The Ink every two weeks."


"Mr. Clifford needs to enroll into an afterschool activity for the sake of not being expelled and I'm sure his... skills will be more fitting in the newspaper team than on the football team."

"Michael Clifford?"

The image of the blond-haired punk who was almost never in school came to Luke's mind. There was no way in hell...

"Then it's settled. I'll inform Michael he'll stop by tomorrow after school."

...Luke would ever work with someone like Michael Clifford.



Before you read:

- muke fanfiction; top!Michael

- tw: strong language, smut scenes, and criminal activities

- Riverdale-ish!AU - this was supposed to be a highschool!AU but Luke's character mimicked Betty so I turned Michael into a bit more of a Jughead. The storyline is completely different though.

- the title is inspired by Lost boy by our favorite band

let me know your thoughts (:

Love, Lucija ♡

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