october issue ✧ 6

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somehow I got sick one day before uni but I really wanted to get this update up! It's LIT.


Luke was good at hating himself.

He knew the ritual by heart. It wasn't hard after spending that many years in the closet.

It wasn't that he hated himself for liking boys or anything. Luke was ashamed that he wasn't brave enough to tell his parents and brothers. Ashamed that he didn't stand up when someone at his old school was being bullied.

When he did come out his brothers made clear of it that there will be zero hate tolerance against anyone who says or does anything to Luke. Not only that, they took a step forward and created an anti-bullying policy that was lead by students and much better than any attempt he principal has ever made to fight the bullies.

But then they moved to a smaller city. And no matter how popular his brothers were it's just wasn't the same. People weren't the same.

So as Luke was sitting at lunch, alone, he was performing his ritual of hating himself. In his head he was going through the list of every time he was mean to Michael and every time Michael was mean to him.

He wasn't a math genius like Michael was but he knew what he said to Michael was cruel. He was cruel.

It didn't help that professor Abrams informed him Michael will be sending him his part of the work for the newspaper over email due to family stuff.

Luke knew it wasn't true or even if it was Michael would at least look at him in the hallway. Which he didn't.

He wanted to apologize, he just didn't know how.

As if his day wasn't bad enough he could see Charlie walking up to him.


"Oh, I wasn't aware you know my name." No matter how much Luke hated himself he refused to world to see it.

Charlie, who wasn't the smartest when it came to sarcasm, had a frown on his face.

"I-I came to apologize. You know... For what I've said to you last week."

It was Luke's turn to frown. Charlie said many stupid and homophobic things to him but never cared to apologize before.


"It was stupid and immature and I promise I'll never do it again."

Once he saw Luke registered his voice he vanished just as quickly as he appeared.

...unless, someone made him apologize.

It was a school night and Luke need to be home in an hour.

He never went out on school nights and this wasn't the case today either. When Kyle called Luke answer, wanting to know what he had to say.

He wanted for them to meet and go on a drink. To talk it out.

Luke would say no in a heartbeat, he wasn't attached to Kyle. He was attractive and normally good in bed. Plus a lot of people were afraid of him and left Luke alone when he was with him.

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