may issue ✧ 30

994 89 92

I say this every time, but if this is confusing it's because I suck at writing angst. More will be explained in the next chapter but if you have any immediate questions hmu in my pms.

tw: physical violence


When he left the house, Luke had the biggest grin on his face.

He only left his boyfriend because he knew Michael needed to finish with his university applications and Luke needed to walk to the post and send them.

The closer they got to the deadline the more he regretted the decision he and Michael made about applying to the universities they would apply to before meeting each other.

Not only did he love him so much he couldn't even think about how much he'll miss him when they'll be hours away. Luke also didn't want to leave Michael alone. Even when he reconnected with his grandmother and hopefully soon the same thing will happen with his mum it was, he who held the boy together.

He spent hours awake when Michael was having nightmares just holding him and trying to let him know everything was going to be alright.

In a moment of weakness Luke almost changed the places he applied for but he Michael's first choice didn't have any journalism programs. Luke's only hope was that his boyfriend wouldn't be accepted into that school as his second university was in the same town as Luke's.

Once he finished everything at the post office Luke realized he'd be back in less than twenty minutes, leaving Michael no time to do any real work.

Luke knew it was a stupid idea but there was something he really wanted to do.

He was halfway between his and William's house, halfway between where Michael used to live.

It's been a month and the two still didn't talk. Michael got the rest off his clothes with the help of William's cook but otherwise, all of his belongings were still there.

Together with all the photos Michael had of Peter and his mum.

And as stupid as it was, Luke really wanted to do that for the man he loved.

In five minutes, he was standing in front of the big house that only held good memories to him. Behind the expensive building, there was a trailer where Luke had his first kiss, where he fell in love with Michael.

He was aware there were cameras everywhere and that sooner or later William will see he was on his property. Luke just hoped the older man will have enough decency to not do anything about it.

Luke knew the code that opened the main entrance and still had the key to the trailer on his keychain.

It should have taken him less than five minutes to finish what he wanted to do.

He saw no card on the driveway but they could have easily been parked in the garage so he decided to hurry.

His heart was beating fast as he walked across the backyard to what Michael used to call home.

Besides emptied wardrobe the trailer was untouched.

There were three pictures on the little kitchen table and Luke grabbed them before going back out and locking behind himself.

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