december issue ✧ 14

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this made me cry; enjoy my loves.


Ever since he moved Luke couldn't wait for the Holidays to come. He wasn't that fond on the lights and the gifts but Holidays meant going home to his grandparents.

Maybe hooking up with some of his ex-boyfriends.

This year he was still excited to see his relatives but had no wish to scroll through his contact list and send any thirsty texts.

What Luke was excited for was the fact that a day before they leave town is Christmas and on Christmas eve Michael was coming for dinner.

For some reason, he was even more nervous than when he last formally dined with Michael for his birthday. But this was his house, his family. Luke shouldn't be nervous, he had nothing to be nervous about.

Or did he?

Since their ice-skating experience, Michael was extra touchy towards Luke and even dared to apologize for Kyle's behavior which wasn't his fault at all. It was wishful thinking in Luke's head but Michael was sleeping over and Luke's bed was too small for a blanket wall between them. Too small for any space between them actually.

"Luke." His brother called for him. "Michael's here."

Luke fixed the pillows and hurried downstairs.

"Hi." Michael smiled and went for a hug but he was too busy staring at how good Michael looked to not make it awkward.

"Sorry." The guest apologized after Luke didn't hug back but then Luke quickly wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him hard.

"Luke's been a bit of a weirdo today." Jack laughed and shook Michael's hand.

The green-eyed boy had a grin on his face when he replied. "He's always weird."

"Hey." Luke pouted. "If you're going to be mean to me you can leave."

Clearly, he didn't mean it but that was all Liz heard of their conversation and offered her youngest son an unhappy look.

Dad Hemmings was the only one in the family who didn't know Michael so he insisted on him sitting next to him. Luke's dad was cool but also embarrassing and Luke knew he'll have to keep an eye on what he'll say.

The food was good, the conversation easy and Liz's dessert as good as Luke told Michael it'll be.

Traditionally after dinner, the Hemmings family played board games and Luke was extremely happy he was on Michael's team. Because Michael's team was the winning team.

The older boy was incredibly smart and since he didn't feel the rivalry Luke always had towards his brothers, he wasn't sidetracked by it.

"Your family is amazing," Michael told Luke after they got to his room and they both showered and got ready for bed. It was way over midnight and Ben and Luke's dad were already asleep on the couch so Liz told everyone to go to bed.

"You had a good time then?" Luke asked. Michael looked happy on the outside but Luke knew Christmas was a family Holiday and the only family Michael had was a workaholic, ex-criminal uncle who couldn't eat unhealthy food.

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