december issue ✧ 13

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"I still can't believe this." Michael's eyes were glowing as he put his skates on.

Luke was sitting next to him and felt just as happy. "What exactly?"

He tried to stand up but he wasn't the best at ice skating so he sat down.

"That they send free tickets to us."

"It's business, Michael. You should know how that works." Luke jokes. "The owners of this ring send us free tickets in exchange for us to advertise it in our paper. Mr. Abrams said it was cool so shut up an enjoy."

Just from how he was standing Luke could see he was much better Michael will be at ice skating than him.

"I'm warning you. I'll probably fall a few times, I'm not the best at this."

"I'll catch you." Michael winked and Luke watched him with a smile as he was gliding on the ice. The ring was empty as it wasn't open yet.

Luke took his voice recorder out of his pocket and turned it on.

"When one steps onto Henry's ice rink, they step into a winter wonderland. They forget all about their troubles and worries. A spark of joy lights in them. It's magical."

He turned it off before following Michael.

The moment he felt the ice under his skates he already felt happier. But that probably had to do with Michael and how careless he looked, how his eyes were shining and how when he came near Luke, he took his hand and pulled him with him.

"I love it." Michael laughed. "It'll look even better when they'll turn the fairy lights on."

"Lucky we got the tickets for free." Luke agreed.

"I'll buy them for us when it officially opens. But it won't be so fun when it'll be crowded."

Some people who passed the square were from their school and they got some strange looks. Luke didn't mind as they'll probably realize why they were here when they'll read the paper.

What he minded was when an hour or so later, someone else saw them and didn't just walk past. He decided to walk over to the fence and when Michael saw him, he squeezed Luke's hand.

"I see you're taking charitable cases now, Clifford."

Luke didn't want to stop but he knew Michael will. And since they were holding hands he has to stop too.

"What are you doing here, Kyle?" Michael asked and his voice wasn't friendly.

"I'm working actually." The smile on his face was venomous and Luke remembered how he used to find it attractive. Before he realized how better Michael was. It'd be a sin even comparing the two but Michael would win anyway.

"Then you should get back at it."

Kyle chuckled. "Is that an order, boss?"

"I don't care how you interpret it."

Michael had Luke's hand in such strong hold, he couldn't feel it anymore.

Before he left Kyle looked straight at Luke and obviously checked him out. He then turned and Luke immediately made Michael turn towards him.

"What was that?"

"Don't worry about it." Michael smiled but he still looked tense.

"No, no." Luke disagreed. "We're talking about this. What did he call you boss?"

The older boy sighed and started to skate towards the exit. Luke followed.

"When I turned eighteen, I became the legal owner of my father's business. Kyle worked for both my uncle and my dad."

"Congrats?" Michael didn't look happy and somehow it didn't sit well with Luke either.

"Come on. I'll buy you a hot chocolate."

Since Michael was eighteen, he got them both some mulled wine and they sat down on a bench near the square. The lights were already on and Luke, who hates this town with passion, had to admit it looked cute.

"Wasn't your goal to leave this town as soon as you finish school?" Luke finally asked. When Michael talked about his plans for the future, he was always so excited it made Luke happy as well.

"I still am. The moment I graduate I'll sell it back to my uncle and then I'll have the money to cover scholarship and everything."

Luke frowned. "And your uncle knows this?"

Michael bit his lip and shook his head. "He thinks I'll stay here. He didn't even want me to finish high school. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing guy but he likes to keep things in a family. He's always talking about he can't wait for my dad to come out so we'll be able to run the business together but that's nothing I want less."

"Is it bad what your dad did?" Luke asked quietly.

Michael nodded and tears started to gather in his eyes and that was it. Luke didn't want to know if even thinking about it made Michael that sad.

He stood up to break the silence. "Okay. I think we should go to my house and write this out. The sooner the article is out the fewer rumors there will be about us being on the ice rink before it opened."

"We should go to my place," Michael said and stood up. He was still sad and Luke made it a mission that when he'd left Michael he'll be smiling and happy.

"What's wrong with my room? It's not that messy." Luke pouted.

"It's not that." Michael laughed. "I told Paula, our cook how much you loved the cake she made on my birthday so she baked another one."

"You're trying to get me fat?" Luke joked but didn't mind one bit.

"Actually, you weren't eating enough when we've met so seeing you eat more makes me happy. I like to feed people."

"Okay. But only if you come to our house for Christmas dinner. My mum makes the best pudding."

"Deal." Michael grinned.

To: Mumma
Michael said yes to come for dinner.

From: Mumma
That's amazing. Tell him to sleep over, I'll prepare the guest room for him.

To: Mumma
He can sleep in my room (-:


T H O U G H T S ?

Ice skating 'date'?

Kyle? Michael being his boss?

Are you excited for the next (Christmas) chapter? - you really should be (;

*check the latest chapter of my one shot book, I need some opinions for my future book ((:

Love, Lucija ♡

Lost boy ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now